Good Morning Thursday - 24th March

Good Morning/Afternoon everyone.

Going to be warm again here today so am clearing all the boring chores early. I think I may have a parcel due so that will be fun - new dies to play with!!

Stay safe.

Over cast and cool (low 20s) but though it threatens no rain yet. The cloud base keeps dropping down and obscures the escarpment.

My new whippersnipper arrived this morning so I fired it up and tried it out, worked well.

Doing a spot of 3D printing too.

Have a good one.

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That is something I would like to have a go at - the concept fascinates me!

Getting warm here too the last couple days. I usually like the warm weather but the change is less gradual than I’d like.

I got a piece of business done today that I wasn’t expecting to do until tomorrow, so I’m just chilling for the moment.

They’ve been shutting off my phone with regularity for the last couple weeks. They’re shutting down the 3G network so they’ve been saying they’re going to do this for a while. But now every few days, they block my phone with a message that I’ll lose service. I can’t call out or even call them to have them unblock me. Luckily, I have a second phone line to call them to unblock me, but it’s a pain. Phone still works though, so it’s all good for the moment.

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Good morning everybody.

I’m expecting the heating engineer at 9.00am to remove our old back boiler & install a new combi.

I think it will be an all day job & possibly go into tomorrow so nothing exciting for me to do today other than provide tea & keep out of his way.

Luckily I’ve got a room upstairs where my computer lives. Got an oil filled radiator in there & a settee so I’ll be nice & cosy.

Ady is coming to take Tony out for a few hours.

Have a good day everybody…

Good morning all, nice and sunny here.

Nothing planned for the day.

My FIL did Oil painting all his life right up to the day he died at 93, he used to paint a lot of Constable paintings, also did a 3D one, using a Palate knife.

Have a nice day all.


Good Morning All.

A chilly start to the day, but forecast much warmer later.

I am looking forward to sitting out in the garden

Morning all.

Hopefully IKEA breakfast this morning and a wander round the store. Must get some petrol. Unsure about lunch, then visiting last friend on the list.

If I have time before it gets dark, I want to start loading the car up. Home tomorrow.

Morning all

Just got some packing to do before a fill English. Heading home today but going to see dad before home…we missed each other and I know he’ll be so glad to see me.

Not back at work till Monday so will enjoy the nicecweather whilst I’m off.

Happy Thursday

Morning everyone, a lovely morning here again, long may it continue…

Mum visiting for lunch so nothing else planned, although I might manage an hour in the garden later on.

Enjoy your day folks :blush:

Gosh Jazzi Rather you than me I have never seen anything in IKEA that I would remotely like to eat ,my brother loves it though . Have a good day :slight_smile:

Never tried the breakfast so look forward to it. I have also always enjoyed their hot dog meals at lunchtime, with refills of the cold drink. And then maybe an ice cream.

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Good morning everyone!

Not a happy bunny as I have just discovered I haven’t been paid for work I did in January. So I have that to sort out today. Other than that, its a lovely day - albeit cloudy - and I shall mostly be pottering around. There’s a large park nearby I want to explore…there was a community clean up some time ago, and I’m not sure its stayed clean since then. I might try and find out if they have any more clean ups due, and join up.

Have a lovely day everybody! :wave:


Good morning all.
We are blessed with another beautiful sunny day here, does me the world of good.

Got an order of compost. gravel, slate etc coming from my favourite garden centre today, so need to organise a space for them to drop it first. Then I shall have everything I want to plant the 5 new roses I’ve bought, plus a few other jobs.
First job is pegging the washing out first.

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Good morning all :grinning: another beautiful day ahead,

It is Mr Mags birthday today and we have both taken our LFT tests which showed negative so will shortly be going to our daughter’s house to sit out in garden.

Enjoy your day folks :grinning:


One of my friends became totally addicted to their Swedish Meat Balls! Never bothered looking round the store just went - like a homing pigeon - straight to the cafe. Haven’t been to Ikea since her hubby died though as it would mean travelling on a busy motorway and she will not do that.

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A very happy birthday to Mr Mags!


Yes, same from me Mags. :+1:

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Went into town all on my own this morning. I’m so proud of myself for doing so :rofl: - what rubbish. I only went in to pick up a new pair of reading glasses from Spec Savers. Came home on the next bus and nearly gave V a heart attack 'cos she wasn’t expecting me for another ½hr or so but I caught an earlier bus.

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Late in the day as usual…:frowning:
But a lovely day. The dogs went up the Rig. We keep Ozzie on the lead for that part - there is main road we have to cross. Then home. Then the next stroll for Max and I. I nicked a few shots from a few gardens.