Good Morning - Thursday 23rd Sept

Good afternoon Australians - Good Morning everyone else!

Rumour has it we may have rain today - I’ll believe it when it happens!

Can’t go anywhere - waiting for Mr Amazon to appear - bringing me some new dies to play with. Might spend some time outside looking for the garden - I know it is out there somewhere - it is mentioned on the deeds. Also - have a new rain water barrel to install - that will be fun!

Have a safe day - whatever you are up to!

Good morning Tabby, looks like you’re on the ball again, don’t you ever sleep!

Good morning all, forecast another dry day here but cooler they say, really need some rain though…

Not much on the agenda today, just visitors for lunch and a couple of jobs in the garden but I must find time to go out and get a new jacket and trousers before the funeral of a friend next week.

Have a good one folks :blush:

Good morning everyone

Not sure what the forecast is here…hope its dry as I’m still renovating the front door its an old door worth saving…at least I thought that when I started but had to find new beading and there is so much filler…not so sure now :slight_smile:

Have a good day everyone whatever you have planned

Thankyou.First real Spring day.Sunny 20C with a bit of a breeze.Too good to miss that so I’ll have to find something new to do on Monday now.

Good morning ST and OFC folks :slightly_smiling_face:

Another beautiful Spring day! It’s a Bank Holiday tomorrow and I’ve taken next Monday as leave so bring on the EXTRA long weekend


Have a wonderful day!

Warm (26’), sunny spring day, not a cloud in the sky and just a slight breeze, perfect.

Washed my bedding this morning and it was dry in an hour, then went for my walk.

Hope your day is as nice.

Good morning - I’ll be at the allotment again. The practice once the plants have given their vegetables is to dig the area over, spread it with a fair depth of manure and then cover it with black sheeting (to stop the weeds growing) until next year. That’s what I’ll be doing today.

Our son’s huge new TV is arriving at some time. I’ll be going over there to give him a hand with unpacking and setting it up.

Good morning all, the sun is shining, so back in the garden for me today.
Had to laugh yesturday with a Holiday Maker and her little Dog, she went down to the Beach, but went right down to the end of the Beach where its a Nudist Camp, she didn’t know this, she came back with a Face Redder then my T-Shirt and told me, he came right up to her for a conversation stark naked.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning everybody! Rain and wind here today…my goodness, Mother Nature really flicks that switch…can’t believe its nearly the end of September already. No plans for today yet, see how it pans out. Have a lovely day everyone :smiley:

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Morning all

It’s really windy here today.

Spending the morning in the house with puppy, Johns taking my niece to a hospital appointment so it will be just me and Loki.

I.m going to Dads when John gets back then home to have a chill day.

Heard 2 very loud bangs this morning and I swear they were gunshots , wouldn’t surprise me round here .

Have a good day everyone

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: dull at the moment but hopes of sun later.

I am going to pick some french beans to freeze, runner beans for lunch then I hope to plant some Iris bulbs. Finally I will mow the lawns when the dew has dried so lots to do.

I might get for a ‘distanced’ walk with the children this weekend :slightly_smiling_face: Chloe is making good progess enogh to leave her for a little while and I haven’t seen them for 3 weeks .

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: no sign of the sun here, just a few ominous black clouds.

Expecting a grocery and medication deliveries later today.

Enjoy your day folks :slightly_smiling_face:

Good morning everyone, bit of a change from the last few sunny days, it’s very dull and overcast today. Having our daughter’s dog today. Mr B used to love taking her out for long rambles, often taking her in the car to a local forestry area with lovely dog walks - now sadly, she is so old and slow she can barely manage a short walk around the block here :disappointed_relieved:. Still, as long as she gets a lot of fuss made of her, she’s happy, and that’s the main thing.

Have a good day everyone :slight_smile:

Good Morning all.

Been out with Gert and its raining here just a bit but to much for it not to be mentioned. Think I am going to strip the remaining living room wall and then rub down the paintwork again and maybe paint. Who knows

Morning all.

Good morning !

Lovely and sunny today so the guinea pigs can go in the garden later. Me and Mrs Bread have almost finished trimming back the Scots Pine tree in the garden now but it still needs some work. We found a guy on Facebook who took all the mulch away (5 boxes and 3 skip sacks) for £100, which is not bad I thought.

The new stove is ordered and I’ve paid the deposit so it will be being fitted in November in time for the cold weather, so logs are also ordered and hopefully will be delivered in the next day or so and I will store them temporarily in my nicely cleaned out and tidy garage :wink: until my new log store arrives.

More work in the garden later, but for now, boring meetings and the day job … boo !

Happy Thursday !

Good morning Thursday.
Another nice sunny day, but quite breezy today. A good washing day.

Nothing exciting happening, just usual jobs inside and out.
Have taken down this year’s runner beans now, and tomatoes will have to go next.

I had a nasty shock yesterday, my next door neighbour told me he has just been tested positive for Covid!! More than a little worrying that is!
I keep hearing him out in his garden coughing and spluttering and it’s scaring me.


You know I am hearing about more people who are testing positive than before at the moment.

Gosh @Mups that’s a bit too close for comfort, especially if he is coughing and spluttering in the garden :worried:

I hope you stay safe …. maybe keep your mask handy if you hear him in his garden. x

Me too…every other person seems to be getting it right now.

That must be a worry Mups…I know people can go into their own gardens if they are positive, but still…Just keep your distance, stay masked up and hope he gets over it really quickly. :frowning: