Good Morning Thursday 21st December 2023

Morning all!

Rough day yesterday. Feeling pressure to finish something by the end of the year but not feeling well.

Been trying to take it easy and relax. So far, it’s not working.

Plan for today is to relax and rest as much as possible.

Have a good day everyone.

Morning all.

Hope you feel better during the day Butter.

Popping into Town later.

Have a nice day all.

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Good morning!
Wet & windy!

Might go to the supermarket soon, then in the afternoon & evening I’m going to the foraging group

Morning all.

Second that, Susie.

Hair cut at 10 then I want to do some shopping.

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Good Morning All.

Blowing a gale here, the noise of the wind in the chimney woke me up in the early hours.

Smart meters installed and I have been using them to see what is costing me money.

I know many have strong views on them, but for me, they are great.

Amazon let me down badly yesterday, an order of two items, sent me an email saying they had problems with a delivery attempt.

I have both Ring and Bling doorbells and cameras, and at the time they stated nobody came.

These are essential deliveries, my wine supplies for Christmas and the New Year.

Have a good day all.

Good Morning from Foxy’s World…
So after reports of storms doing untold damage, I set off early for my usual three mile walk/jog along the canal towpath and noticed the wind had blown a few wheelie bins over…
At 13 degrees C I decided on shorts and running shoes and it turned out to be an excellent effort in the dry conditions, and knocking a minute off my recent times…A few sticks and branches to avoid that had blown down in the night, and I could have surfed on the waves that were rolling down the canal. So yes…A bit windy…
A trip out to Gainsborough yesterday with some friends. Christmas lights were good, but not many shops. We spent the day in the ‘Marshall Yard’ a sort of small shopping precinct in a reclaimed industrial area. There were some nice places to eat though…A small hick up occurred as I went to pay at the ‘pay-and-display’ machine…After taking my place in the queue and finally arriving at the machine…I forgot my registration number…and had to move aside…
As soon as I gave my place up, the number had permeated to the surface of my mind so I returned to the back of the queue, only to find the machine had printed it’s last ticket and was now ‘Out Of Order’!..


My Wheelie Bin Shed was blown over, snapping the fence panel with next door.

We have branches down and tiles and aerials off roofs.

My Polytunnel is still surviving however.