Good Morning Thursday, 20th March 2025

Good morning to you all even those slackers for whom it is still yesterday :icon_wink: Another warm, sunny Autumn day with temps in the mid to high 20s.

Went shopping early to avoid the rush, only needed milk but somehow spent over $40. When I returned home I had every intention of tidying up the garage but once I started ran into the age old problem of where to move things to. Did a little bit before deciding it was all too hard.

Turned to more important matters - my camping chairs.

BTW I blame @OldGreyFox for bringing this to my attention yesterday with his photo. I have to make a decision, which to use, which to abandon - they both have pros and cons.

Here is the choice:

On the left the chair that I have been using for ages, very comfortable, the back adjusts to an almost recumbent position but it weighs 7kg and can be awkward to fit in the back of the ute and it’s getting heavy for me to lift out.

On the right is the much newer one, used it for the first time in Jindabyne, has a stubbie holder in one arm and a cool box in the other, much lighter at 4kg takes up a lot less space in the ute tray and can be thrown on the car’s back seat if necessary.but has a fixed and much lower back rest.

I suspect I am going to go with the newer one but I will miss the older one, it is an old comfortable friend.

BTW I still have a couple of very old $8 Big W versions of the red chair, they skimp in some places eg the seat is lower, they are narrower, less padding so sitting at the table in them is like being a child at the adult’s table.

Anyway that is enough chit chat. Have a great Thursday, what are you up to?

Take care…


Good morning!
Clear, dry, not much cloud; it looks like it’ll be another nice day

I got up bright and early - well early, anyway
I did the various little jobs I mentioned yesterday
Soon I’ll walk into the town centre as the library has got a couple of books I’ve ordered, and I’ll do a bit of shopping as well


Good morning everyone, still very cold, it should get milder from Sunday onwards, but it’s going to rain, too. :neutral_face: I’ll never complain about British weather ever again! :hugs: Our climate’s not what it used to be! :slightly_frowning_face:
Our passports are ready to be collected, we’re planning a trip to London in the Summer :smiley:
Yesterday, I had a new mixer tap installed for our kitchen sink. I’ve found lots of repairs to be done and stuff to throw out, since moving to this apartment. We’ll be back at our country house in the Summer though, it will be cooler there when temps sore to high 30s! :eye: This morning, I’m picking up my carpets from the dry cleaners, going home to feed the cat and check if there’s any post. It’s only a 15 minute drive away.
I’ve booked an online yoga lesson for this evening, first time for me, I’m a bit weary about it, I’ll see how it goes. :grin:
Those chairs look all comfy to me @Bruce, it’s a shame to throw one of them out, but I’m not a good advisor for these decisions, I’m lousy at “decluttering”, I tend to keep everything until I desperately need space, and then find myself filling up sacks and sacks of unwanted stuff! I’ve been doing just this recently but only because it’s an apartment in which nobody has lived in for four years and my late MIL never threw out anything.

Have a good Thursday forumers.


Good morning all

Todays temps are going to be 18c, thats 64f. that is warm enough for me . Ive a online shop this morning then the rest of the day is free to do as I please.

My son sorted out an account with the water Company Im with and applied for a Water Meter yesterday . So. Im just waiting to see what happens next.

@Bruce the first. does look comfy, more of a lounger than a camping Chair, I had both , I found with the smaller camping one, it was not up to daily use and it tore at the seams .

Have a good day all


Yes they are both good but the newer one is easier to carry and get out. As for decluttering - don’t you worry about that, I never throw anything away, at worse it will be given away to someone who needs it.

I don’t trust the $8 ones for that reason but the new one was not cheap, I bought it on special but I think it was still about $70.


@Bruce I prefer the old one…but obviously the new one is going to be easier for you to handle


Morning all – a lovely sunny start to the day

Once again the birds were lined up on the wall waiting for me to fill the feeder and bird bath

Beast is still refusing to leave the house despite the sunshine. Will go back in later to see if she has changed her mind.

Had a lovely meet up with a friend yesterday, another 3 hours of non-stop chatting! I was even lucky with the bus, arrived on time and no traffic hold ups!

Still attempting to contact my GP to arrange a blood test – impossible to get through on the phone and online just says no appointments available. I think I will definitely need to change to another practice, although can’t be sure they will be any better!

Plans for today are laundry and the usual Thursday meeting with the “girls”

Take care – have a lovely day


Good afternoon all.
What a difference a day makes
24 little hours
Brought the sun and the flowers
Where there used to be rain here on the South Coast .
Hope you have enjoyed the spring equinox sunshine .

Just completed my12k steps , was a pleasure with the suns warmth 18c .

Take care all xxx :sunglasses:


Me too, it is more comfortable but as you say too difficult for me to manage these days.

Is that France visible across the water? I grew up in Folkestone where France was always visible on a clear day.

Are you sure it is a cat that you are feeding? rather than some exotic, wild, nocturnal animal :icon_wink:


@SheilaP can’t you just ring another doctor anyway for something like a blood test? Here they would just give you a form to take to a pathology lab who would take the sample and process it. There are two different labs within walking distance of me.

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Better late than never…
Friends turn up at the most unexpected times and this morning was one of those times. He did turn up to take the chop saw off my hands, it took up too much room on the bench and was far too big for its purpose these days so, I was glad he could find a good home for it. We went to school together and we have much in common. Like you @Bruce he worked in many local power stations and he knows stuff…Always interesting for a chat.

I drove down to the local garage to leave the motor for it’s first MOT and service, and being such a nice day I took the scenic walk home along the canal towpath, which is my regular three and a half mile walk anyway. My first time out on a decent walk and it was so good and it went very well.
The motor passed with flying colours and for a mere £200…
If I can get out of bed in the morning I’ll give the walk a miss and try a short ride on the bike.
The weather looks promising…

Nice to be out again after a month layoff with gout…


It’s very difficult getting to see a doctor (any doctor) or getting anything done @Bruce
Changing doctors or surgery’s makes no difference, they are all experiencing the same problems. There are private means of obtaining blood tests but not on the NHS, you have to run the gauntlet of long telephone calls and irate receptionists if you want one on the NHS.


Hi Bruce it’s The Solent Hampshire.
I can see Hayling Island to the East , isle Of Wight to the south .


Local practices tend to all be part of the same group so same problems. There is another practice a little distance away which I may try to register with but not sure if I will meet the same problems. The NHS used to be the envy of the world, now unfortunately, it is falling apart