Good Morning Thursday 20th June 2024

Good morning to all you denizens of forum land. It is another sunny but cool, winter’s day in my part of the world.

Have been trying to pull up weeds from parts of my garden - I tend to let them grow then have a blitz, gardening is not my forte but it is bin collection in the morning so today is as good a day as any to get rid of weeds into the green bin.

Not much else to tell, other than my middle son’s ship, HMAS Adelaide, arrives in Sydney next week from a three month deployment so I have started to prepare the house for an invasion of grandkids and DiL who will travel up to Sydney to greet the ship when it docks. (They live in Canberra)

Hope your day is slightly more exciting than mine. What do you have planned?


G’dy Brucie
Storms still brewing around us here but at least we are not suffering the extremes heat of the eastern Countries and now I see Western USA has been cursed as well.

Today off on another fruitless journey to try and gain some hearing back for the infamous ‘Hasbeen’… Couhe the village name and only 20 minutes ride from ours… but hit horrendous ongoing resurfacing/repairin’ of the local Couhe Roads…quite amazing what you have to drive over as the Roads are limited of choice to get to the main village.

This might amuse you for a little break sometime t’day. Never got into online games myself but some the graphics are truly brilliant and have caught me watching a few as well!

Off to the Kitchen now for the first cup of Coffee of the day and then think about my first meal…
Have a G’One me olde Cobber!


Good morning all - Up and ready to go earlier than usual because the car is booked in to have the timing belt changed. Also to have the front off-side tyre losing pressure fixed.

Going for a pint and a bag of crisps at lunchtime.


Morning all – lovely sunny day today

You must be looking forward to seeing your son, DiL and grandchildren again Bruce

Beastie had me standing by the open door for about 5 minutes before deciding to go out. She also left me a little gift by the radiator – she obviously doesn’t want me getting complacent about my duties!

I mentioned previously that the gardener had texted me to remind me to water the plants – well he obviously doesn’t trust me to follow his instructions because yesterday he called in to feed and water them!! :man_farmer: Have to say they are looking good

Neighbours telephoned to check all was OK and to let me know they are enjoying their holiday and it is very hot in Spain! :hot_face:

Today I will be going for my usual Thursday coffee, cake and gossip with the girls

Take care – hope everyone has a lovely day


Good Morning From Foxy’s World… :039:
The weather seems to have taken a turn for the better with a warm (18 degrees C) still morning and ideal for my early morning walk.
An Ikea day today, Mrs Fox wants a new wardrobe to go with the other six fitted ones… :astonished:
But first, take my new shorts in to be altered, why do they make them so long these days?
Then a call in to B&Q for a bag of readymix cement for pointing the wall…
Catch yer all later…


“Wishing you a Thursday filled with the warmth of gratitude. Each moment is a gift, and every breath is a reminder of the preciousness of life. Embrace the day with a thankful heart.”
–motivational quotes

Have a wonderful thursday :smiley:

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A day of surprises and contentment…
While doing my daily walk down the towpath by the canal, I have on occasion passed the time of day with an attractive 50 something lady walking in the opposite direction…So it was a quite a surprise when I walked into a shop several miles away in a small town to find the lady in question standing behind the counter. Apparently she was the business owner and would be the one to modify my new shorts… :astonished:

On to the Sheffield branch of the IKEA. After a satisfying lunch of meatballs, mash and peas we progressed to the lower floor, the tills, and exit. There were some items for sale in the final leg of our long journey around kitchens, bedrooms, office equipment, bathrooms, etc, etc, etc, and the two chairs on sale looked inviting. On one of the chairs was a wallet containing a phone, some folding cash, and debit card. There was a telephone number inscribed inside the wallet, so I called the number. The call was answered and I explained the situation. It was the son of the bloke who had lost his wallet. He explained that he would ring his mom and we could meet at the hot dog counter at the exit to return his wallet. He was standing there with his wife who was holding a tall standard lamp she had purchased. We had a chat while I consumed a ketchup ladened hot dog and discovered they lived in the next village to us in Doncaster but had no idea how they would get the lamp home.
The lady (Joan) had been to the Weston Park Hospital for cancer treatment and decided to spend the rest of the day at Ikea. They arrived by taxi as John didn’t drive anymore and were due to return to Doncaster by train and taxi. IKEA would deliver the lamp for £40…It only cost £25 in the sale…I suggested we take them, and the lamp, home with us. Everyone was happy and I only charged them £30… :grin:…Only joking…I suspect we have made some friends for life… :+1: