Good Morning Thursday 20th April 2023

Morning all!

Thought I was done with my task yesterday but a bit more to go.

Beautiful weather still.

Plan for today is to check an email.

Hope everyone is having a nice week.

Have a good day everyone.

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Good Morning All.

The last dry, warm day forecast is today, then it changed to cold and wet tomorrow for 5 days.

I will try to get some help for the garden in today.

Banking and computers are the thing for today, boring but have to be done.

Have a good day all.

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Morning all, another beautiful sunny day here.

Off out at 8am to do our weekly shopping.

Have a nice day all.

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Morning all.

Well if today is last of good weather I’d better get over to the allotment later. I am hoping to have a few bags of fresh horse manure to take. Depending on quantity, will put in my new compost bin, or empty into a spare raised bed, so it can rot down. Neighbour will bring home with her later this morning.

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Good Morning everyone, the sun has got it’s hat on and I’m going in to tackle mum’s feral garden! ……

If you don’t hear from me for a couple of weeks, please send search party preferably led by the Benton brothers :rofl:

Have a good one, everyone x

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Anticipation was the word of the day today.

Unfortunately, it turned out Catastrophic.

Long story short, was expecting an important delivery today. Was assured that it was today 20 April between 7am-11am. Daughter and I got 3 hours sleep. Got up at 7am with bedside alarm clock. Turned phone on and waited for call.

9am, emptied fridge and freezer into cold bags. By 10am called order line… Surprise surprise!!! After finishing the chat online, the lovely person didn’t BOOK THE PROMISED DELIVERY!

How kind and nice of them… The receipt promises 1 to 7 days from date of purchase, 15 April BUT that they will contact before 14 April 2023. Oops, isn’t that a bit messy? Two online chat later and now a waiting delivery period of 3 weeks. Unacceptable, order cancelled…

I guess you can honestly say… “Supernatural must be livid…” and believe me, you’re right on the money!!!

I need a break…


Poor Super…(
We have not such a bad day. I have had a problem with my shoulder for a couple of days - age I suppose and me being a grumpy old bar steward…:slight_smile: We still walk regularly minus the Max…:frowning:

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Today was all going quite well with the demolishing of half my house.

Then one of the builders went through the water main and central heating hot water pipe with the Kango.

Grrr !

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Had the builders in yesterday and my house is a mess, second part next week.

An absolute mountain of pictures to process, having spent a lot of time in a wildlife park on a paid photo day (thanks to "Mrs Graham) and another day shooting in a studio with a model.

I’m busier now than when I was working.

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With the help of the neighbour, got three bags of manure into my car and took them straight round. I was able to reverse close to my plot, pull them from the boot, then use the festival trolley to drag them one by one to my plot. What a work out that was!

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