Good Morning Thursday 19/08


A cool and rainy day here.

UPVC Door has a lock jammed open, which is not good.

Sabrina, Nadi and Rhian here today and a visit from the District Nurse.

A very busy day ahead.

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Good morning to all who venture in today. Bit dismal here but dry so that’s a bonus. Have a good day all whatever your agenda. :wink:

Good morning everybody! Cloudy and cool here…heating came on at 6am this morning which was cosy. Got some admin to do today and starting a couple of projects, but that’s it really. Food shopping later on. Have a lovely day everyone! :smiley:

Good morning - Cloudy, cool and dry again. Good for allotment digging and muck spreading I suppose. A bit of warm sunshine wouldn’t go amiss though.

Good morning all, overcast and cool here, but calm and dry again so no complaints.

Nothing planned as we are just awaiting a phone call to collect our daughter from hospital and take her home, which will hopefully be this morning. Just an easy lunch planned of beans plus cottage pie from the freezer, so little or no prep to do.

Have a pleasant day everyone :blush:

Good morning everyone, bit dreary and drizzly here today, so it’ll be a stay at home kinda day. Anyway, we still have clearing up to do after yesterday’s building mess. Oh the dust :103: You would not believe the amount of dust. It got everywhere: every door from the hall was shut, but the living room, kitchen, all the bedrooms, the bathroom, they were all just coated with a fine layer of dust. Everywhere :icon_cry:. Except, funnily enough, the dining room, which obviously must have the best fitting door in the house! The kitchen took me forever to clean last night.

So today it will be steam mopping the floors and other hard surfaces. And then we do it all over again in about 3 weeks after they’ve been back and re-rendered, groan :weary:

Enjoy your day folks :wink:

Wet and horrible when we went out for our walk, coats on for the first time in months.

Enjoy your day

Good morning all :grinning: a bright start to the day but showers forecast for later.

No plans for the day, a few jobs to do indoors then maybe I can get out in the garden before the rain comes.

Enjoy your day folks :slightly_smiling_face:

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: I dared to venture out early to the shops for a few bits and pieces including a new brush and organic chickpeas for a new recipe of Chole Bhature.

Off now to pick runner beans and distribute them to the neighbours :slightly_smiling_face:.

Oooh, yummy! Haven’t had that since I was in India in 2004! It is delicious.

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Afternoon all.

As I have had 9 solid days of appts, dog care, dog IN day care so I could attend appts/shop, house work, social gatherings, lunching out and gardening, I am having a rest!

Just had a leisurely dog walk and the next ones will be shorter. Finished lunch (jam sandwich) so might pick up my book. Holly is in her bed.

When you try it out can you post the link Meg I adore this not had it in years my friends Mom used to make it had forgotten about it actually.

@Kazz will do Kazz :grinning:

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