Good Morning Thursday 18th July 2024

Good Morning on a quite pleasant almost wind free day, still need a jumper because 19° is all you can hope for but the sun is out and it is very pleasant in the garden.

Clambered up to the car port roof to change one of my solar panel arrangements. I pop riveted two 20 watt panels together and paralleled them up. They just keep my camper battery topped up and are probably overkill so I separated them, if one proves insufficient then I also have a spare 40 watt panel.

This morning, for reasons of age, :blush: I was sure it was Friday and thought I had missed the bin men, it was only when I looked at my watch that I realised it was Thursday. Am busy searching for rubbish to put in the bin(s). I never seem to have enough, my fortnightly recycling bin is only quarter full, the green waste bin is empty and my red bin has one small plastic shopping bag for landfill. I must consume more :wink:

I haven’t watched it but if you like footie then I am told yesterday’s State of Origin decider was an absolute cracker

Anyway have a really good day. What are you up to?


Morning all – another sunny day with temps. forecast to reach 25c (yes Bruce I know you don’t think that is hot but here in UK it is what we call summer!)

Don’t worry about forgetting what day it is Bruce, Einstein often forgot his own address! I have had the same mobile phone number for over 20 years - if someone asks me for it I have to look it up! :woman_shrugging:

Gardener turned up unexpectedly yesterday, lawn and hedge now under control and planters looking very colourful – he also tackled the weeds which keep appearing between the flag stones (they are so persistent I think they may be Triffids!)

Neighbour gave in to my nagging and let me have a bill for fixing my car (I have a phobia about owing money) – seems he has only charged me for the parts, nothing for labour! To show my gratitude I may not insult him for a couple of days!

A little more laundry this morning then off to meet friends for coffee, cake and gossip. :coffee: :cake:

Take care – hope everyone has a great day


Today is the birthday girls - my sister and our neighbour. They are are aged 80. My wife bringing a special cake and a tiara and glass of run.The other lady is 88 years and that’s the four of them.


Good morning everyone. A warm day today, goodness that’s two in a row it must be some kind of record!
I visited the market in a town just over the county border this morning. They have a stall selling Indian food which smelled delicious, I might try some next time I visit. I wanted to get another front door key cut and found a little place that did such things tucked away up a narrow alley. However I discovered that they don’t cut the kind of key that I have and that I need to go to a Timsons because they apparently have the equipment to deal with it - who would have thought there were different types of key cutting equipment - I learn something new every day!
Not much else planned for today except watching the test match - I hope this one lasts longer than the last one because my son and daughter in law have tickets for Saturday!
Happy Thursday!

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I don’t mind the occasional game or quiz. Anyway, made an early start and went to the doctor’s to pick up a prescription. It isn’t ready yet. Went to my brother’s (R.I.P.) house to see if he’d had a hedge trimmer. He didn’t. An all round unsuccessful trip.

I had a new hedge trimmer delivered from Amazon yesterday. It looked like the box had been opened and resealed. The trimmer doesn’t work, the trigger is jammed. Boxed up again ready for being picked up later today.

Just been pruning the laurel hedge by hand and got all hot and sweaty ready to go to the pub in about 20 minutes time …and that’s the day so far.

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I had a parcel yesterday! From Royal Mail: a Digital Voice Adapter. Been playing with it, was kinda thinking/hoping it would be like a WiFi extender, but not quite the same, you pair it with your modem and it gives you somewhere to plug in an extra landline type handset. So I’m gonna get a WiFi extender, should have got one years ago.

Feeling weary today, it’s heavy with pollen in the air.

Good rest-of-the-day all.

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Sorry Guys and Gals had an early appointment with the cardiac nurse two villages away. It’s a good job I can drive…She was very happy with my progress, took my blood pressure 118/72 and told me to keep taking the pills. I told her that I eat healthy, and then proceeded to Tesco for one of their tasty all day breakfasts… :yum:
I always use hand shears Mart, keeps the arms in good nick, and a gardener told me once, it’s better for the bush because it doesn’t rip off the branches like hedge trimmers do… :muscle:
Anyway…with shears in hand I attacked the holly bush yesterday and gave it a good thrashing…
Just to remind you what it used to look like, I’ve posted a ‘Before’ and ‘After’ …

Mrs Fox assisted with the clean up, but I was responsible for all the technical and artistic stuff… :grin:
I noticed this bloke up the telegraph pole this morning, he’s either nicking the cable (that happens round here occasionally) or re-wiring all the telephones for the big switchover.

Did I mention that I jog/walked around my 3.5 miler this morning while it was still reasonably cool…Just like me eh!


It did get done by hand. Even if I’d had the trimmer, the thickness of many of the twigs/branches would have been more than a hedge trimmer could handle. Done with tree loppers, secateurs and shears. It doesn’t look too much of a task from the ground but once up the ladder and amongst it, it is quite a task.

Some of the garden I let grow more or less wild. The wild part starts where the laurel hedge is and though an archway. The laurel gets a trim up once a year but other than that, it can do its thing. The birds like it and I think it would be home to a fair amount of insect life.

Anyway, all done enough. The tidy up can wait until tomorrow…


and music threads of so many various types, why not just one


Good job Mart…I’ll send Mrs Fox to do the clean up…She makes a half decent job…

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Wheelie bin in the local library is the place to put old electrical items, so I took an old phone and a hard drive I removed for an old computer ten years ago. Do people still do that, remove HHDs? I can’t imagine there’d be anything of any interest to anyone on one of my PCs.

I am terribly late, so much so that most won’t read this, but I do enjoy seeing everyone’s beautiful yards. They all looks so lush! in the meantime, despite almost daily rain, most of my pretty flowers are stressed from the searing heat. The good thing is that if they make it a few more weeks, even the annuals will make it through the winter.

My tardiness was due to driving a friend to the hospital because of a likely kidney stone. Those of you who have had them understand that it is not the best idea to behind the wheel, so off we went to the ER where we hurried…to wait.

On our way back (diagnosis still undetermined), we encountered snail-paced traffic until I came upon something I had never seen before - a collision between a giant SUV and an even more giant…boat! I couldn’t tell whether the boat fell off the trailer and the car hit it or the car hit the boat trailer causing it to fall off, but either way, that is going to give more than a few people sleepless nights. Anticipating things flying off the back of vehicles hums at a low frequency in the back of my mind when I drive, but a boat? Good grief!

Plucked from the news:

Have a nice evening, and drive safely :blush:.

I think 25°is the perfect temperature, I would love to find a place where it was that all year round. My own personal thermometer says that below 20 is too cold and above 32 is too hot but personally I prefer too hot to too cold (with the humidity beow 50% )

I used to climb the pole, using a cherry picker seems like cheating

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I agree Bruce, workers today don’t know their born… :009:

What a mess ! I used to travel extensively on business - sometimes 400 miles or more at a stretch - but now I don’t given my age.

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Lives move I guess. For example, when I was school age we, and other kids, used to do “tattie picking” around October time. Potato harvising. All done with better machinery now.

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