Good Morning Thursday, 17th October 2024

Good morning all.

I doubt I could have read the forecast any more wrong when I said it was going to rain today. The sun is out and it is going to be a warm day in the mid 20s. My washing is already on the line.

However the rain does arrive on Friday as does King Charlie of Australia along with Queen Camilla - something symbolic there? As an aside my middle son’s ship arrived yesterday in Samoa in preparation for Charlie’s visit to the CHOGM meeting there shortly.

My youngest son confirmed today that he is moving to Darwin. it’s a week’s drive away or a relatively expensive flight via Melbourne or Brisbane. I will only visit during the dry season, too hot and humid for me during the wet. I shall look after his dog during a set up visit in November.

Yesterday arvo I went mad with the mowing, not only did the grass get cut but got the whippersnipper out and trimmed the edges of the footpath. Afterwards blew the path clean with my electric blower (cordless) just in time for the home going school kids to be impressed with my efforts.

Followed this up with finishing the adjustment on the axle on my camper, still have no idea if it is right but decided it is good enough! Will put the wheels back on today.

Have a great Thursday (crikey it’s bin day again), take care…


Aha! That old Royal trick of visiting the colonies during a UK winter hasn’t worked.
Severe storms threatened for us here tomorrow.He would be very welcome. :grinning:


You’re right, I was just this minute reading about it

Make the most of today eh?


Good morning!
Clear, bright, sunny & warm

I’m going into town soon to post my calendars and a couple of other errands
Then I’ll get back home hopefully by mid to late morning, have a quick snack, and tidy the living room at last; it has needed doing for weeks
Then I’ll be up to date with all the cleaning & tidying that hasn’t been done while I was ill…
… well that’s the plan anyway!


Morning all – sunny day forecast – about time, I don’t think there can be any more rain left in the sky!

Actually Bruce, perhaps you would like to persuade Charles and Camilla to stay? After all you have better weather and I am sure you will have no trouble finding people to line up to shake his hand.

Plans for today are to take advantage of the dry weather and get some laundry done, then there is a pile of paperwork which needs sorting.

Neighbours both had their covid jabs on Tuesday and were unwell for most of yesterday – hopefully he will feel well enough today to fix the lights in my en suite, if not I will continue to take showers in semi-darkness!

Take care – hope everyone has an enjoyable day


Good morning and a brighter one it is too. I think I’m feeling a bit brighter with it. Hope the feeling lasts.

Time to start doing a few things, including a bit of exercise on the step stool. Up and down briskly a few times until panting. A discipline I find mentally hard even when fit. Don’t want to waste away though. I’ll start lengthy walking outside in the fullness of time. Surprising how much waterworks infections can knock a person back generally.

Mrs mart wants to go to the supermarket on the bus. I’ve said I’d drive her but she wants to go alone for two reasons. Wheelchair independence and she reckons I might not be up to driving yet …or she could just be meeting another man :slight_smile:

Have a good day.


Wash your mouth out! No, No,No. I have repeatedly thanked you for keeping him in the style to which he has grown accustomed, and told him that there was no need to visit.

If it weren’t for Charlie bringing Diana with him in the 1980s I am sure Australia would be a republic now under the republican PM Bob Hawke. These days I don’t think there is much interest either way, the moment has passed.

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Hello @mart

I used to do a lot of hiking & backpacking but now that my legs are no longer up to anything serious I’ve been doing Tai Chi
It’s a martial art, but not as aggressive as things like judo or karate, it’s more to do with stretching, balance, and coordination
Nevertheless, at the end of a session I definitely feel as though I’ve done some work
It is made up from a series of short standard movements called Forms that are joined together to make a longer sequence, also called a Form
There is also a mental/meditation/motivation aspect which keeps me on the straight & narrow
There are loads of YouTube Videos, ranging from simple & beginners to advanced

Qui Gong is similar, but here a Form is repeated several times, then move on to the next one, similar to traditional training & exercise


Hello @zuludog I’ve seen that being done on TV at various times and wondered how beneficial it is. It wouldn’t hurt to give it a go. Thanks for the suggestion. :slight_smile:

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Oh come on - I am sure there is some outpost in the middle of the bush where you can keep them. Just think, you can have them pop up now and again to hand out awards, make speeches about things they know nothing about and shake a few hands. According to some it will only cost £510m a year!


Good Morning from Roberts Residence… :oncoming_automobile:
Off to Harrogate in half an hour to check out a hotel for this years New Years Eve venue. Couple of nights of plenty of food, drink, dancing and gaiety… :mini: :beer: :wine_glass: :champagne:
I like going to the seaside but was out voted…
Brilliant weather for this mornings walk/jog along the canal towpath.