Good morning Thursday 17th Feb

Good morning all, a blowy old night here from storm Dudley but calming down a bit now before storm Eunice arrives tonight apparently. No signs of damage yet but I will have to check better later when it gets light.

Nothing much planned again other than a trip over to Mum’s to check on her and I’ll be cooking a curry for lunch.

Stay safe and have a good day everyone :blush:

We had strong wing and rain last night. It’s dry at the moment but still windy & dull
I suspect this will be the lull before, or between the storms

Other than that, not much to report
I really must do some vacuuming & tidying today, seeing as I’m staying in. Then I can get on and do more useful & pleasant jobs tomorrow, with a clear conscience

Warm, sunny day - low 30s - until this evening when the hot air caused a thunderstorm and a quick burst of rain. No hail.

Mowed the lawn, planted some plants, a bit of shopping, did some tidying up and bought a couple of pairs of demin shorts after throwing one tatty pair out. Even made my new camping toilet.

Watching an episode of Anne With An E while waiting for the 7pm news.

Have a good one.

Good morning everybody.

Lunch with a friend & a sort out in the garden is my plan for today.

Have a good day…

Morning everyone, surprisingly bright this morning, but I know rain is threatened.

Daughter’s dog will be here today - we did stop bringing her because she went through a period of struggling to get in and out of the car, but lately she seems to cope better. We just have to be sure we park the car by a high kerb, so she can jump onto the back seat - no hope of her getting in the boot, much too high.

Nothing much planned, so will take the day as it comes.

Enjoy your day, folks :blush:

Morning all :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:
'Twas a rough old night with wind howlng. Worse to come tonight apparently.

I feel very tired this morning,dont know why. Could easily go back to sleep.
A day pottering at home me thinks.

Be good. :smiley:


Bright but windy here, a few branches off and weirdly my sky cable is off the wall and flapping around.

I have a pork shoulder to roast, so that will be the thing to do this morning.

Have a good day all.

we do get storms occasionally out here - but it is fun reading yours - reminds me of other days of yore? and the comfort of having a good strong brick house??

Good Morning from Foxy’s world… :039:
Had a day off from walking yesterday so I’m raring to go this morning.
The wind is very strong here at the moment but the sky looks clear, so I might risk the shorts and running shoes.
Looking forward to a drive up to Ferrybridge Services on the A1 for a sandwich at Greggs. That will probably be the highlight of the day…

Good morning every one. It’s a brisk -10° with a high of 3°. Hope every one has a good day!

Good morning everyone :smiley: a beautiful morning after a night of scary winds.

I have washed the sheets early to take advantage of the fine weather and they should be dry and ready for ironing soon.
Waitrose have been early with the delivery so I am now off to slice lots of vegetables garlic ginger and chillies for a stir fry vegetable lunch .

Enjoy your day :smiley:

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: bright and sunny today, no sign of any wind yet.

Washing is out on the line, hopefully it will be dry enough to iron later.

May tidy round the garden later.

Expecting Sainsburys grocery delivery this afternoon.

Enjoy your day folks…