Good morning Thursday 16th

Morning everyone, yet another warm and dry day forecast, this is quite the Indian summer this year… :sunglasses:

This is our last day here in Dorset before we travel home tomorrow. We are having a get together here today with few relatives for lunch, so after a dog walk first thing it’s cooking and cleaning I suppose, so just like being at home then…

Enjoy your day folks :blush:


Good Morning All.

A nice dry day forecast after the mist lifts.

Some gentle gardening today, nothing more planned.

Have a good day all.

Good Morning everyone,

Going to be hot here today - 68F by mid afternoon - will hibernate!

Must put the recycling stuff out when I have had another cup of tea.

Have a fun day

Good morning all, it not very warm here, just put the heating on.
Nothing planned for the day.
Have a nice day all.

Cold again but overcast too was in two minds about my walk this arvo but went and glad that I did.

Might put the bin out later I haven’t put it out for a few weeks, that’ll be a highlight. Not much happening at the moment, hope you have more exciting things to do.

Good Morning all, cold and grey here, I hate Autumn :rage: But I did remember to put the recycling out last night, thank goodness, because they were hereby 7am.

Good morning everybody.

I’ve got a handyman here today who’s going to fix me some trellis to a wall.

No plans other than keeping an eye on him.

Have a good day all. :blush:

Good morning lovely people :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s a bright, sunny day in SA! A gentle breeze at the moment but predicted to get stronger later in the day! It’s Highveld thunderstorms season soon!

Weekday = workday for me! Best get on with it! Enjoy your day!


Morning all.

A diabetic retinopathy eye test for me this afternoon, so a cab there and then two buses back.

Might wash another set of bed linen and get it out to dry, as looks to be a sunny day later.

Right, let’s get the dog out. I walked and walked her last night, as she looked set to do her no. 2, but then she didn’t bother. I was exhausted, and just wanted my bed. It is so dark around here, as the street lights are not so bright, so I stick to well occupied areas, if I can.

A bit brighter today and l’ve been looking out my office window at the dog walkers, walking their dogs across the water meadows. I often decide to get another dog, but I can never bring myself to do it. I’ll stick with mu guinea pigs for now…

Busy day today, lots of meetings, but hopefully my new petrol leaf blower will arrive later to add some excitement to the day …

Hey ho … have a great day all !

Good morning busy people :slightly_smiling_face: a beautiful morning here in Worcestershire.

I feel more human after 6 hours of sleep. Chloe slept through the night so I think must be pain free. Vets tomorrow when I am hoping the dressing may come off her foot. When it does I will continue with the boot outside which she doesn’t mind at all. Her eye looks great, and is no longer blood shot and weeping which it was before the operation.

I am heading for a shower and hair wash then into the garden with some clippers to do a bit of tidying.

Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:

Good morning all, another lovely morning here.

We went to Torquay yesterday, to a jewellers that had been recommended to my husband. I took my too small wedding ring and broken engagement ring in, and they’re going to enlarge the ring and make it slightly narrower. They’re also going to see if the goldsmith can set the diamond from my engagement ring into it. It’ll be strange wearing my ring again - I stopped wearing it many years ago because being such a wide ring it started irritating my finger, causing itchy rashes.

No plans really, except I might get some sewing done seeing as I didn’t manage it yesterday after all!

Enjoy your day folks :relaxed:

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Just back from our walk, and real signs of autumn in the air this morning…


Yep definitely an autumnal feel here in the West Country. Cobwebs glistening in the sun.
Had planned on hacking back stingers and brambles from next doors garden, but plans changed by management.
Now have to do some shopping. :zipper_mouth_face:


Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: the early mist has cleared to leave a lovely sunny day.

A visit to the Garden Centre today for some compost and to see which plants interest me.
I also need to get some more bird seed and peanuts - a cheeky young squirrel had a field day with the peanuts yesterday :grinning:

Expecting a grocery delivery later today.

Enjoy your day folks……

@Barry hope you enjoy your get together with your relatives today. I

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Morning all,
A fine sunny start to the day, so doing some washing first.

My Gertie came home from the vets last night, still quite sleepy after her endoscopy. No tumours, or stomach ulcers were found, but one area didn’t look quite right and they have taken 4 samples for lab testing.

My arm is not good after the flu jab 2 days ago. Aching, burning, and a red angry looking area which has spread to 6 ins. across now! Me thinks I will pop back and show the pharmacist today.
I don’t seem to get on very well with bloomin’ vaccines! Think I will stick to my homeopathy in future. :frowning_face:


Locally Barnstaple fair this week, always the Wednesday closest to the 16th of Sept and runs for 4 days, in years past, there have been gales, likely tail end of hurricanes, heavy rains, and of course calm autumn mist and mellow fruitfulness like this year, will I be going, no its for the kids, but apart from that its a nice day and enjoy.

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