Good Morning Thursday 16th May 2024

Good morning all you patient people.

Another day, another roadhouse. I have just driven nearly 700km largely because of an error on my part, I had intended to stay somewhere along the road between Marble Bar and the Broome turnoff but in a fit of stupidity booked a site at the Roebuck Roadhouse for tonight. I was about to ring up and cancel when I decided to keep the booking, have a long drive but stay two nights and visit Broome. So here I am.

EDIT: forgot to mention it is 37° today, I haven’t seen rain since I left Wollongong

BTW I bet this is a number most of you never see on your sat nav well not in one go anyway.

What is happening in your neck of the woods?


overcast here and raining so no going out for a walk


Morning all – dry start to the day but rain is forecast for later – hopefully not until after the gardener has been to cut the hedge and tidy the garden

Blood test yesterday was relatively painless and has left no mark – the last time I had a huge bruise!

Neighbour called in yesterday afternoon with cupcakes she had made, continuing her campaign to make me fat! I obviously can’t refuse them as that would be rude!

Meeting up with friends later for our weekly coffee, cake and gossip get together

Take care, have a lovely day

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Good Morning From Foxy’s World… :disguised_face:
That’s one helluva drive Bruce, I don’t think I could do that now even though I love driving…
Very misty this morning, but dry. Set off early for a five miler, plenty to do today as well as delivering Mrs Fox and friend to a faraway garden centre for lunch and a nag with some other friends, and It’s halfway for everybody, trouble is, I’ll have to do it twice…They usually have a long nag… :roll_eyes: Found another couple of hopeful motors to go and have a look at, but that will be tomorrow.
Take care Ya all… :+1:

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Yes, quite a drive. I used to drive 400 miles at a single stretch but it was almost all motorway.


New printer arrived and working. I always have a bit of trouble getting the Wi-Fi connection to work. now it works from my computer ,just have to see if it works from Sue’s when she gets home from picking up the granchildren from school.


Good afternoon all!
Worked an early hospitality shift this morning in a totally new place. Great bunch of people to work with and thoroughly enjoyed it…back tomorrow. While I was waiting for my lift home I noticed this little fella on the ground smiling up at me, couldn’t resist giving him some arms, what else could I do?

Oh dear… looks like I’ve been overdoing it!!

Enjoy what remains of your day people!


Good drive Besoeker…
When I was made redundant, all the machinery and small tools were sent down to Torr Point in Plymouth. I was hired on a six months contract to help take all the small tools down to plymouth and teach someone the job that I used to do in Doncaster.
I drove the 300 miles (500km) to Plymouth each Monday morning, worked Monday afternoon, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday then returned home on Thursday night, every week for six months…Car and digs came with the job, and I made lots of brass…

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Hi Foxy!
That was a long trip to the west. Usually my trips have been up to several days. Sometimes we have to drive there to a breakdown at any hours of the day.