Good link. I had no idea that memory foam wasn’t recyclable. That is bad news for all the mattresses that are now made primarily of that stuff.
I envisioned you pressing too hard and the thing exploding
. That certainly would have happened if I was the one doing it.
That sounds like an enjoyable routine, mart. The enjoyment of beer is a mystery to me, but ten thousand years of partaking suggests that the majority would disagree 
You seem to have a neighborhood of kind and social people. I’d be in big trouble if someone brought me cupcakes so often! You must have a lot of willpower.
Lucky you with the Kindle self-healing. I had that happen to a ceiling fan recently and I felt like I had won the lottery! It’s a great feeling, isn’t it!
Cul-de-sac living is the best. No better place to raise kids, in my opinions. Quite nice of you to help out with your neighbor’s plants.
We called that a family tradition at my parents’ house! Sorry to read about the damage.
That’s exciting! I am looking forward to reading about your adventures. Be sure to let us know about the wildlife. 
It’s Africa hot this morning and dead still. Now that we have had Maggie for some time, I am starting to test her off leash to see whether she stays close, bolts, or wanders off. The sweet girl is an angel; she made sure she kept me in eyesight and came to me immediately each time I called.
This made me realize that I have not yet introduced Huckleberry Finn to the forum. We adopted him when we adopted Maggie; it was a matter of two different workers suggesting two different dogs when I requested a dog that that either had been injured, abused, or would otherwise be unwanted. Both had been shot, abused, and abandoned, so there was no way I could say no, sucker that I am. He is mostly Coon Tree Walker Hound, a breed with which I was mostly unfamiliar. Feral and berzerk at first, it took him forever to learn his name, he had zero eye contact, thrashed like a banshee when put on a leash, and the entire contents of the house became a chew toy to destroy. Just a few months later he has become a very good boy and I absolutely adore him:
BTW, that object behind him is a water gun that I have had to use when he and his brother decide not to go all the way downstairs to the grass to relieve themselves. I wish I had thought of a water gun when teaching my son to close the lid
It’s bureaucracy day here at the house - bills, taxes, and other unsavory paperwork.
I hope you have a good day (and that no one has need to chase you with a water gun)!