My do nothing day felt like a success. Even though I did a lot of the same things I normally do, it felt more relaxed and less pressure. I told someone that I’d be doing this until end of day Thursday. Sounds good.
It’s raining here but not very much. Just enough to wet the ground and hopefully keep the neighbors inside.
It is cold and frosty outside, with a nasty chill. Central heating was on at 05:00 to warm the house before the family got up.
Fuel bill is going back into debt, but don’t want to increase the current monthly payment greater than £250 a month, which for me seems high when no one is home five days a week between 07:30 and 16:30, and the weekends we tend to only run the heating in the afternoons after17:00 for two hours now (we do keep an eye on the heating).
Good morning! (just)
Cold & grey & dismal, but dry
I haven’t posted on here for a few days because nothing much has been happening
I’ve felt cold and not very lively, so I’ve stayed in not doing much, just trying to read, watching daytime TV (I must be bored and desperate!) and YouTube videos
And spending time under the duvet, just sort of dozing
Now I feel slightly better; I’ve had a shower, a bacon butty, and I’ll go for a drive soon, to keep the engine turned over, and a change of scene