Good Morning Thursday 01/09/2022


Good Morning All

After a very nice quiet end to the day our Nurse in Charge found Leanne from the Hospital at Night Team, the lady who had saved my life 3 times recently and she was united with a huge box of. Bars of Lidl dark chocolate of various types.

She was over the moon and being her thought that she could pick one, went a bit scatty when she found out they were all for her and the carrier bag full was for the rest of the team. A very happy lady and a good time for all…

She had mentioned that she loved Lidl dark chocolate and not remembering which In particulst I had bought every one on the shelves at my local smallish Lidl
Good fun was had and off she went and the ward phone rang, 3 positive COVID tests on a ward of 16 Extra Care Patients… I am in an isolation sideroom, so easy but a lot of sorting out to do on the ward.

The chaos is just endiing

My observations have just been taken,BP low at 71/43 so I am in the doghouse, all good fun and my fault.

Never mind

Have a good day all


Never a dull moment there, eh Swimmy? Get that BP up, there’s a good lad!

Morning Swimmy :wave: Your nurses will be sorry to see you go tomorrow, I’m sure! :chocolate_bar:

Morning all, hazy but bright here. Bin men came yesterday, so going to karcher then out this morning (ugh…the food bin is getting rancid) before going out to a park for an hour or so with Mrs Dex early afternoon.

Nothing else planned.

Sorry to read last night that you’re release may be deferred for a few days Swimmy. Chin up eh, both of them!!

I was concerned I wondered where my post had gone because I was damned sure I had posted but have since discovered this is the second daily thread. Not to worry shit happens.