Good Morning Thursday 01/08/ 2022


A very early Good Morning All.

Great to wake up in my own house after a good sleep, even if it is in the middle of the night.

No screaming dementia patients, no blood tests etc etc, just roll over and so what.

The dulcet tones of Anu and the other Nurses taking the mickey,

Ian , it’s Nichol here, (Kidman that is) just enjoy it, as they giggle changing something very private, but which they have to do as part of their exams.

Best just to smile and pretend it didn’t hurt, that way you do get a decent cup of coffee in the early hours and you can get back to sleep.

All good fun, which the NHS is happy with.

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Wow! 11am and already Good Morning thread.

Cold but sunny today (so far) have been working on my camper - the front reflectors on its mudguards are constantly being smashed by stones being thrown up by my car when travelling on dirt. Plastic back is left behind so instead of buying more reflectors I am sticking reflective tape on the backing.

In the garage I found a leaking aerosol can of WD40 type. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised because it came from a power station that closed in 1989. Hey ho.

Have a good day.


Well you are a day ahead of us here in the UK.

It is Wednesday the 27th July according to my Calendar.

No great shakes, just nice to wake up at home.

A busy day, first off a bath, I smell.

The girls are very good at bed baths, but nothing is as good as a deep soak.

There is no modesty at all, very disconcerting until you get used to it, which you don’t.

You are completely naked, lines in both arms, and stickers all over you and a catheter in.

You are bent over to your left so your bum is on full display, being cleaned.

There is a bizarre conversation going on at the same time about how much the price of bread has gone up at Morrisons between the two nurses.

Then in comes an even more attractive nurse , and she is truly gorgeous, she really is.

Morning Ian, bit of a rush, can you hold him over please, he needs an injection in his bum.

There then follows a discussion about the school holidays and the nightmare of the kids being at home.

You are then rolled over to the other side to be cleaned up along with the bedding whilst they are having a conversation about having to take the kids to McDonalds etc.##

Finally, and very quickly and matter of fact
you are back on your back, catheter and lines in, foreskin peeled back and cleaned.

Sorry, I forgot, do you want one or two sweeteners in your coffee, and then they are gone.

Absolutely bizarre.

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But you were alive to endure it swims keep taking the pill.

Good morning all.

Swimmers glad you are back home, I bet you are missing those Nurses giving you a bed bath?

Not going out today.

Have a nice day all.

Not quite a day, a mere 9 hours I think, I was just surprised to see the Good Morning thread up so early it is usually mid/late arvo before it pops up.

Good morning everybody.

It must be nice to be home swimmy.

Today I’m going to take Tony on a memory walk in the area where his old pit used to be.
It’s now been turned into a country park. He may or may not be able to tell me where the pit shaft used to be. He was a fitter down the coal mine for about five years before changing occupation.

Later we need to go to Aldi - I’m thinking it’s time I cooked a decent dinner!!

Have a good day all…

It’s enuff to put you off being ill init :wink: welcome home

Morning all :wave:

Morning all.

Swims, that sounds like a scene from Casualty (and previously Holby) where the surgeons and other staff would bicker whilst operating/doing other jobs. They never concentrated on the poor patient. Glad you are home.

I think Swimmers likes going back into Hospital, just to have Bed baths by young Ladies.

have you ever cleaned out a computer keyboard from between the keys? just done mine with a small brush and the amount of small hairs and dust etc , I could not believe how much crap there was hidden from view.
Sue is going to the hairdressers now ,so I said would it not be easier just to send it? I won’t post her reply.
This makes me think after 50 years of marriage one can make comments one would never make when when just started going out together.

question for you all
why does nasal hair grow quicker than hairs on your body :wink:

Congrats on making it back home.

I changed the date in your title from the 28th to the 27th. I’m not ready for it to be the 28th yet.

Morning all!

It was an overcast morning yesterday. Not something usual here. Was still a hot day but tempered by the clouds. Feels a little cooler this morning.

Talked to my favorite person today, but that’s about all I did. Had to catch up on some sleep yesterday.

No plans today. I’m hoping for an uneventful day.

Have a gorgeous day everyone.

Morning awl!
Not a lot happening today. No rain yet. Strolled the dog. Met a few friends and their dogs. Several deliveries scheduled this afternoon.

Belated wishes to all! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I have been clearing out cupboards and catching up on lots of other things that cropped up and got carried away with the time!

Good to see you home @swimfeeders :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hope everyone has had a good day…