Good morning thread feb 11th 2022

Good morning with a new thread that keeps evolving ; getting lost and being recovered! now 3pm in oz which makes you 7am - here we are having our first real monsoonal downpour and when this happens it soaks the tv aerials and we loss tv coverage - just had a pork mince curry dish for lunch not too hot and will potter around cleaning up and re- constituting another homemade beer brew!!

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Good Morning/Afternoon everyone.
Very cold here today - the CH is on!

Going shopping and having lunch with a friend. Later will be in the Craft Room - some new dies arrived yesterday and I want to play!

Stay safe.

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Good Morning All.

Frost here, cars being defrosted and left running on the drives.

Cooking a big batch of curried mince this morning, to go in the freezer.

This afternoon will be sorting out more of the kitchen cupboards and getting them organised.

Have a good day all.

Morning all. Bright and sunny here in the West Country.
Friday again, my favourite day off the week, shopping day :clown_face:

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Good morning/afternoon everyone

I have a stinking coldā€¦its not covid thank goodness :slight_smile:

Iā€™m starting to pack today ā€¦well sorting out what to take on my holidaysā€¦lots of ironing and folding no doubt

Hoping to hear that Mr Queenie has come home from hospital laterā€¦that would cheer us all up :slight_smile:

Have a good day everyone

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Good morning all, a hard frost here too but it will soon be spring, and as long as it isnā€™t snowing then Iā€™m a happy bunnyā€¦ :sunglasses:

No plans for the day, just a day for messing around in the hobby room and keeping warm methinks, so I think thatā€™s my agenda sorted.

Wishing you all a pleasant day :blush:

Good morning everyone! Lovely morning today but oh so cold!

Another busy day ahead checking on the carpet fitters, finding curtains to fit tiny windows, and packing more boxes. I said to the mover people there would be approx 10 boxes in the load, andā€¦andā€¦well, lets just say I havenā€™t quite pared it down to 10 yet! :scream:

Anyway, have a lovely day everyone :wave:

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LOL - The contents of my Craft Room alone would need more than 10, Pixie!

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Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: ā€˜a cold and frosty morningā€™ ā€¦.I hear a song coming on!

Looking forward to seeing our son later this morning, heā€™s staying for the weekend so weā€™ll have plenty of catching up to do.

Wishing Lion Queen strength and happiness when husband John is discharged from hospital ā€¦ā€¦ there is no place like home, best wishes to you both.

Morning folks.

Yes, I agree, it is flipping cold!!! I am off to town after window cleaner has been, and will need to de-ice the car windscreen.

Library, M&S for groceries, have a mooch around Wilko, B&M.

Good Morning everybody! Have a great day all :slight_smile:



Morning all, lovely frosty morning, nothing planned nor will be done today.Enjoy.

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I love the descriptions of these lovely frosty mornings as long as Iā€™m not there - but you would probably not care for a monsoonal downpour so there

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If youā€™re an ex pat then you would know we get them, theyā€™re normally known as summer here.

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oh yes I remember them alright !

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Its a sunny day here in Sudbury and the frost has just melted off the cars. Iā€™m enjoying the view from my office window, watching the swans and dog walkers on the Water Meadows over the road.

Its Friday too so Happy Friday !!!

Morning all, well afternoon now, because I got as far as the greeting and was interrupted by the phone. And then I forgot. Anyway here I am, back again :grin:

Itā€™s a lovely, mild and sunny day here in the South West - Iā€™ve even got my bedding on the line :flushed:. Iā€™ve been up the road to Iceland, because I discovered they do some rather nice sliced tiger bread, and weā€™d run out. By the time Iā€™d walked around and picked up milk and several other bits, my bag was heavy and I wished Iā€™d taken the car instead. Hey ho, the walk will have done me good, even though one armā€™s longer than the other now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So, last nightā€™s theatre trip. We got there, pre paid for our parking, checked in, quick visit to the loo, then found door 11 for the circle and just as we were about to go in, there was an announcement. ā€œWe apologise for the very short notice, but due to some last minute Covid cases amongst the cast and crew, tonightā€™s performance has been cancelled. We will be in touch with you about your tickets.ā€ This was, literally, 10 minutes before curtain up. So back home we came, having shelled out Ā£3.30 to the local council for about 15 minutesā€™ parking :roll_eyes:

Hope your day is good :blush:


Good morning everyone. Itā€™s -2Ā° with a high today of 3Ā°. Hope everyone is well.Good-Morning-Sunshineto-you-Bro


Good morning everyone. Rather chilly, only 30 deg but warming up soon, and sunny.
So happy to read that LQā€™s hubby is heading home today.
Makes my face look like this fellaā€™sā€¦most likely similar to Queenieā€™s.


A late good morning from me. A chilly day here.

Iā€™ve had a busy morning as I had a hospital appointment earlier. All done now, and home again.

Just dashing off to fetch a prescription, and get a couple of bits and bobs from the shop on my way home.