Good morning all you sanguine Sunday speakers out there (a bit of desperate alliteration there)
Not much for me to report this morning. I went for my morning walk, fortunately I remembered to take my umbrella because I encountered a couple of short, sharp, Sunday showers (that’s better).
Once home got stuck into my varnishing, have now completed the camper kitchen but still have a couple of coats to do on the shelf covers.
Again not much to do for the rest of the day, too miserable to do anything in the garden however I might get stuck into my phone, The charge circuit has been unreliable of late so I bought the Samsung part but now have to fit it. Cheap enough, it was only $30
The suspect USB C port is on the left, the earphone socket on the right.
I might procrastinate for a while longer, the job involves melting the glue holding the back on and undoing 20 or so ridiculously small screws. I just hope my eyes and fingers are up to the job.
Anyway, while I think about that you have a super Sunday.
Most interesting, it never occurred to me that you could buy home versions. I have only seen massive industrial scale versions. They are very affordable too.
I’m driving to a supermarket soon as I’ve almost run out of milk, something I haven’t done for a long time; I’ll probably get a few other things too, but not a big shop
Then an early dinner, and if it’s still nice I’ll have a walk along the canal
Good morning from Robert’s residence…
You’re a better man than me @Bruce a bit deeper than I would like to delve…
A nice sunny morning and Mrs Fox tells me its nice out walking…
Feels a bit cool to me though and the outside thermometer read just 4 something this morning when I stepped out in my wangers. Unfortunately that was probably going to be the highlight of my outside exercise for today, although I did recover the comfy chair from the loft, so might get outside and read my latest novel after dinner (lunch to you posh folk)…
Beef stew is slowly doing its stuff in the oven but I might have to put the red wine on hold for this week…Don’t want to encourage another attack of gout.
How do I know I’m getting old?
Because I don’t understand what Bruce and Swimmy are on about…
Keep taking the tablets boys and I’ll catch yer tomorrow…
It’s been raining since last night and it’s rumbling out there now. The birds are rightfully off sulking, so without one of their favorite sources of entertainment, the dogs are all curled up in balls on the sofa. BTW, one of the best purchases I ever made was a small upright vacuum that I modified by removing the long pole between the handle and the main unit. Most hand vacuums don’t have enough power and a rotating brush, so I love this thing. The dogs think they hate it with all its noise, but it affords them the luxury of sofa access. Little do they know that they should build a statue to the thing!
I have promised my daughter that I would help her study for a history midterm that she’ll take tomorrow. So much of our history is woven with the history and GB that I’d really like to take a course from the GB perspective sometime.
Funny, I knew about the industrial size and and camping versions, I never knew about the in-between versions. Sitting here staring out at the brackish river behind the house, they sure are tempting @swimfeeders .
I love those finds! You’ll have to send us a picture of your table once you have it all spruced up.
That sounds like a perfect Sunday afternoon outing!
Then I was born old.
The older I get, the more I learn about how much I don’t know.
I was thinking about how much better off we are or not than our parents were. For example they once went to the USA and it was a major event in their lives. Now Sue and I have been to so many countries, including the USA a couple of times.