Good Morning Sunday 7th July 2024

Good morning to you all on this Sunday.

Well, it is funny day, cloudy one minute, sunny the next. I took a chance and washed all the sheets used by my visitors last weekend but that might have been a mistake. I am hoping it dries before any showers arrive.

Have filled my red bin with a baby bean bag because otherwise have no idea how to get rid of it, put an old PVR underneath to push it out when the truck tries to empty it. All part of my decluttering plan.

Nothing much happening today, I think I have a bit of a cold (or I am turning into a dog with a wet nose)

Enjoy the last of your weekend.


Good morning all and all’s well.

Think I might take the boss out to lunch, Mrs Chews is favourite.

We’re a bit concerned about the bean bag in the red bin tho. Rebel with a cause!


Good morning everyone! An interesting day ahead for me - I am going to watch the T20 between Northants and Durham at the County Ground in Northampton with my son and daughter-in-law. I enjoy watching cricket but this is usually on the TV - it will be the first time I have been to an actual county game at their own ground. It wasn’t until I married that I became interested in cricket due to my late husband being a bit of a cricket fanatic - both watching and playing in those days. So you know the old adage 'if you can’t beat 'em, join ‘em’. I have watched him play and then later umpire local games plus watching my sons when they played, so I have been to many matches but never at the County Ground. This T20 is a part of the Blast series.
A bit of local information: Northants are called The Steelbacks after the Northamptonshire Regiment (now part of the Royal Anglian Regiment) who were said to be extremely brave and were given that nickname due to that bravery - hopefully the cricket team will live up to that this afternoon! The weather forecast is a bit concerning though, according to Alexa there could be showers this afternoon so I shall take my pac-a-mac just in case.
Happy Sunday everyone - enjoy your decluttering Bruce, though it sounds as if the red bin is full for this week! Have a lovely meal at Mrs Chews dood - what an interesting name for a restaurant!




Good Morning From Foxy’s World… :biking_man:
Rolled out on the bike early to avoid the traffic, although I didn’t see any on my 15 mile country tour around the leafy back roads of South Yorkshire. It was always going to be a biking morning after waking up to find hardly any wind and no rain forecast until 10:00 am. It was more like a time trial for the first half of the ride, I felt really good and it was reflected in the record time (for this Year) when I arrived home…I think the doctor must have inserted a turbo along with those stents… :astonished: Even jogging seems to have improved which begs the question, how long have those narrowed arteries been affecting performance…?
Well done England, although the match must have been the most boring game of football I have watched…And that’s not many…I enjoyed the Netherlands v Turkey match later, much faster and more skillful by both sides. God help England when they face the Dutch… :slightly_frowning_face:
Plenty to do for the rest of the day…Mrs Fox has got the chicken cooking slowly, and there’s lots to watch on the Humax recorder, Silverstone F1 - Five editions of ‘Battlebots’ and last nights tour-de-France highlights…So without further ado, I bid you all a very good morning… :sunglasses:

Some previous biking on the same bike…This was the coast to Coast…282 miles from St Bees Head on the West Coast to Robin Hoods Bay on the East Coast
Tony and me at St Bees Head…

The first obstacle to overcome was the Hardnott Pass in the Lake District.

Wrynose Pass on the other side of Hardnotts.

Now we can see Ambleside and time for a rest and reflection…

Lake Windermere and Ambleside…The first overnight stop at some digs…


Good Sunday morning forum people and canines alike!

Do you know that feeling of sticking your head in the shower after you’ve started the hot water running? That is exactly what it feels like this morning, but I complain not remembering that this is a small price to pay to have mild winters.

The sabal palm trees are in bloom, and are abuzz with activity from a dozen or more insect species this morning including, much to my delight - honeybees! I have been planting lantana and other flowers to attract them, but it’s these long stems of thousands of flowers that seem to be delighting them. I can’t blame the insects; the delicate flowers have the aroma of gardenias and honeysuckle (taking me back to my grandmother’s gardens.)

I am envious of the long bike ride, and these passes are extraordinarily beautiful, @OldGreyFox. Are they still safe enough for cyclists ? I wonder the same thing too about stents improving cardiac circulation. I have a friend who swore he was a better runner after that procedure. I know you are itching to get out there and think it is brilliant how you have shifted (ha, pun) your fitness activity into so much cycling.

I really like the concept of naming teams in memoriam, and I am sure you will have a wonderful time at the game.

Another humorous example of a smart entrepreneur with a business that says what it does. What are you having?

I have a glorious day of oil painting ahead - such a rare treat, so I am working on a Spotify playlist to keep me company - but not until I get out front to do some weeding in the flower beds and check the bat boxes.

Have a peaceful Sunday!


Are you sure those shorts are street legal?

They do remind me of Footie legend Warwick Capper from the 1980s

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We both love it!


They were in 1999 Bruce, I’m not sure about today though…So I only wear them indoors when I’m doing the cleaning… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Mrs Fox likes them… :sunglasses:


