Good Morning Sunday 6th February

Morning all. First time for me starting a morning thread.
Wet and windy here in Keynsham. No plans today just see what the day brings.
Have a good one all. :+1:


Morning Chillie and all to follow.

Rain here (urgh). Not looking forward to suiting and booting me and the dog and coming home with wet everything! I have to have a clothes airer up on standby for my coat, and her bits (coat and lead, harness will be dry), and a towel spread on the rug just inside front room by porch door, with another near by. And hope it all dries ready for the next walk.

An Amazon delivery for me today, maybe a bit of housework, and cooking a nice roast meal.

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Cool and showers on and off all day. Managed to get my walk in.

Did some tidying and even used the vacuum (dog hair).

Enjoy your day.

Morning all, windy and raining here, and set to be so for the whole day.

Another taxi service this morning to take granddaughter to her second party of the weekend! Luckily a neighbour’s daughter is also invited to the one this afternoon, so she’ll be giving them a lift to that one. But honestly, three birthday parties in one weekend! My poor daughter could have done without it, as she’s just getting over a nasty virus that wiped her out all of Thursday and Friday.

Other than that, I shall be in my sewing room today.

Hope your Sunday goes well, whatever your plans :blush:

Good morning all, lashing with rain overnight but then stopped just long enough for our walk before starting again, so our luck was in today… :sunglasses:

No plans here either, so I may spend the day in my hobby room finding something to do unless something else turns up, we live in hopes…

Have a pleasant Sunday everyone :blush:

Good morning everybody!

I had a great day yesterday in Edinburgh with my daughter, despite the wild weather. Walked my feet off, so today its a day for the house.

As its Sunday I will ignore the boxes, and just do lots of laundry as the washing machine is being uplifted tomorrow, so I won’t be able to do a big wash for a week! :joy:

Have a lovely day everyone :wave:

Good Morning from Foxy’s world… :039:
Good on yer Chillie… :+1: Barry must have slept in…
Managed to order a drone off ebay last night, so I’m looking forward to taking to the skies later in the week…
I can’t put it off any longer, so I’m about to bung on the bottoms and my raincoat and nip round a nice Sunday Six…
The forecast is abysmal with strong winds and heavy rain, but I’ll enjoy my Sunday lunch and kip on the sofa when I get back…Not forgetting a couple glasses of red…
I only hope Mrs Fox lays out a blanket for my bits when I get back Jazzi…

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Good morning everybody! Have a relaxing Sunday everyone :slight_smile:



Glad you had a good day out yesterday.
You’ll be ponging by then :joy:

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Morning all.
Chilly, windy and wet today. Its been blowing well and raining all night too, so I wont be doing any outside jobs today.

I have been invited to my son’s house for Sunday roast today, so that’s a nice treat, I cant remember when I last went out for Sunday dinner. I am even being chauffered! :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a good day folks.

Got absolutely soaked on the Alf walk, there again its nothing that can’t be dried, apart from that nowt on, save to read the Bumf from the solicitors about our wills

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: wet and windy here.

No plans for the day here, enjoy your dinner at your son’s, Mups… :slightly_smiling_face:

Good morning everybody.

It’s a lovely sunny day here. Later this afternoon we’re hoping to take Tony’s mobility scooter out for the first time. That should be fun. ol

I’m cooking a chicken dinner for this evening.

No other plans. :slightly_smiling_face:

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: a lovely day between the showers.

I started the day with a long hot bath, something I haven’t had for ages being a shower person.
Then I made a vegetarian lasagne and a leaf salad for lunch before doing some mending of jumpers, I am told darned clothes are fashionable these days a sign of helping the planet.

Enjoy you day, :grin:

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Good morning to all. I hope not to do too much today, and treat myself. Although, sitting in a chair for an hour, makes me guilty, and I tell myself to do something productive. Don’t you hate that little voice?! Me, too.


Ignore the voice, I do :+1:

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Good morning everyone. I hope you’re all well. It’s -3° with a high today of 4°. Hope everyone has a great day.


Late again…:frowning:
And windy and rainy. The willow is blowing…

Same here except it’s a silver birch in our garden. :lol: