Good Morning Sunday 30th June 2024

Good morning to you all on this rather dull and wet Sunday. Tomorrow is a new financial year and the second half of 2024, doesn’t time fly when you are having fun?

Attended my grand niece’s first birthday and ate enough for the whole day including some of the inevitable fairy bread.

My son drove me there, his four wheel drive really chewed up my lawn.

But unlike my car we didn’t have to dig it out, but I would say I shall be filling the wheel tracks for several days to come.

Looks like the cold weather is set for the next few days.

I hope you all had a great weekend.


Good morning all!
Some serious spade work to do there Bruce! :astonished:
I’m just sitting here drinking coffee at the moment.
Today I’ll be helping my son get all prepared for a week away visiting family in Scotland, leaving from Euston tomorrow :+1:

Actually, I’m just recovering from a night of live music at a local venue, the bar was open all night, many trips to and fro! :beer:

Have a mellow day people :sun_with_face::sunflower:


Morning all – overcast this morning and we have had some rain overnight, hopefully the sun will make an appearance later

Oh dear Bruce, that doesn’t look good!

Looks like a good night Chilliboot – hope the hangover isn’t too bad :exploding_head:

Decided to feed Beastie early this morning – before I had my own breakfast! Made the mistake of telling her I hadn’t had breakfast and as a result instead of going out straightaway she sat by the door cleaning herself before leaving the house! Still at least she didn’t leave me any gifts

My brother-in-law and his wife dropped in yesterday evening – we had a lovely time catching up, yes wine was consumed! :wine_glass: He was looking quite well although he has lost a lot of weight (he has cancer). We spent a long time laughing and putting the world to rights

Not much planned for today – perhaps some ironing if I feel energetic (unlikely!)

Take care – have a lovely day everyone


196,799 views on my Rhino run video now to keep Bruce happy

since this post it stopped raining so did a long walk this afternoon to get ready for the holidays. Looks as though rfain is on way back


Oddly enough I didn’t have the merest hint of a hangover, seriously weird, more gigs,more indie music, more pints of Stella with a shot of blackcurrant might serve me well, a lifestyle choice! :wink:


Good happy morning! Well, Bruce I am sure that grass will be back soon enough. You seem to have had a fair amount of rain making the ground especially saturated. Is that normal for this time of year?

Chili, that looks like an enjoyable night out; “Live” is great, “loud” is less my style these days. It is amazing to me how these kids develop so much skill having been on the planet for such a short time. How was it?

How nice that your BIL stopped by, Sheila. Kitchen table conversations are unquestionably the bes.

In the second installment of the three-day vacation, I was in Chicago, Illinois for what turned out to be a gorgeous day downtown. We made a beeline to the Chicago Institute of Art with one of the finest collections of exceptional paintings (loads of Van Gogh’s, Gauguin’s, Monet’s work) in the world and a long stroll along the riverwalk. It is, no doubt one of my favorite American cities. The whirlwind was fun, but it’s nice to be back home with the dogs. The vacuum cleaner and dishwasher missed me :smile:.

Art Institute:

A few familiar American-leaning pieces:

Wood (Most people think it was a husband and wife, but it is a father and daughter):



I love this detail:

…and Van Gogh’s Parliament Buildings

The Wrigley (of gum-chewing fame and until recently where the UK consulate was housed)

Riverwalk. There are several offerings for kayaking and cruising along the river. Trump tower is the tall building in the center:

Navy Pier to the left (very touristy), lock to the right:

Lunch spot:

Alrighty, Cinderella is back home working away in the ashes… with step-sisters in the form of three much-better natured but demanding dogs.

Have a cheerful day!


Wonderful pics @Surfermom, thank you for sharing.


did you know there was song about the artist Monet? no. well here it is


No, Winter usually has less rain than summer but, at the beginning of June, had twice the average rainfall for the month in one day. Since then the rain has just been enough to keep the ground saturated. It hasn’t rained for over a week but rain is predicted for later today so it will stay saturated.

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Better rhythm that Monet probably had! :rofl: