Good Morning Sunday 26th May 2024

Good morning all those interesting people who follow. Yes, I mean you. :wink:

Have just arrived in Cloncurry after by passing Mt Isa. Just here for one night on my way home. The Internet is as slow asa wet weekend even though it is warm and sunny (I am still in the tropics I think)

Hope you all have a relaxing Sunday


Good morning all, bright and sunny at last!

@Bruce, can’t help but think of this song when reading your posts. I’m a music lover, so I often have songs springing to mind relating to what people are saying at any given moment :notes:


Good morning all :slight_smile: Have a relaxing Sunday everyone :slight_smile:

'Lazing on a Sunday afternoon
I’ll be lazing on a Sunday
Lazing on a Sunday afternoon …’


Good morning all!
It’s just going to be a mellow Sunday for us, nice things to do at home, sow some more basil, mustard and cress etc. No going to the pub today :018:
Rose, your picture is gorgeous, that deep blue sky setting off all that wonderful green, superb!

Have a mellow Sunday too people! :sun_with_face::+1::v:


Morning everybody! Fuzzy headed and slow to start this morning due to forgetting to leave the windows open last night. Never mind, a few coffees have lifted the cotton wool, so ready for work later this afternoon.

This morning is pottering, planning, and playing with paint. I have a few creative projects to do, so best get started. Have a lovely day :blush:


Morning all – some sunshine this morning but forecast is for heavy rain, thunder and possibly hail later :frowning_face:

Will you be glad to get home Bruce, or will you be planning your next adventure?

Yesterday was lovely, spent part of the afternoon sitting in the garden reading, although had to retreat back into the house as the sun was quite strong and I do burn easily (yes I was wearing copious amounts of sunscreen!), also my neighbour had a TV in his garden and was watching some football match veering between cheering and groaning!

Confession time :blush: Last night I really pigged out! :pig2: Ate a whole pizza, followed by a healthy yoghurt, later had a donut then when it was time to take my medication had a packet of crisps all washed down with a large glass of wine! In my defence I did resist opening the box of chocolates which is sitting in my fridge! Afraid to step on the scales this morning! :scream:

As today is a day of rest I will be doing very little – if the rain holds off I will head to the cemetery but if not that will be on the list of things to do tomorrow.

Take care – have a nice relaxing day everyone


Good Morning From Foxy’s World… :canoe:
Chucking it down this morning but a Sunday morning walk must be done, although I kept it short at three miles.
The upside is, that there was only one dog walker on the towpath, being followed a long way behind by the ugliest dog I have ever seen. He stared at me with lonely despondent eyes and a sad expression, and we passed the time of day. I think the bloke muttered a few words also as we passed in the relentless drizzle …
Nothing much planned for the rest of the day, dinners cooking slowly in the oven, and I’ll catch up with F1 later when I’ve woken up from my drunken stupor, after my obligatory glass of red wine with my dinner…(dinner is at 2:00pm in Yorkshire)


Good morning - Had our Covid jabs this morning. Had to drive a fair distance to get to the vaccination centre this time.

The family visited yesterday, so I should be able to watch TV this afternoon. The weather has picked up a bit since early this morning. Might do a bit of gardening too.


Good luck with that Mart…


Thanks :slight_smile:


Had my covid jab a couple of weeks ago - no problems whatsoever except a bit of a sore arm the next day!


I think I shall be glad to get home. There is nowhere on my route now that I have not been before, all being well I should get home next Saturday assuming that I am up for the dash across NSW where it will be cold. Hope to do it in two stops.

I was talking to my daughter on the phone earlier and I was discussing my trip with her, I think that in future I will have more short trips of a few days with the odd one of a couple or even three weeks.

Funny thing my daughter is in Winton, I will be in Winton tomorrow. Unfortunately she is in Winton, Victoria I will be in Winton, Queensland, they are about 2000km apart. :-1:


I’m 24hrs late with this🙄
Yesterday Looking across the Solent towards IOW

May the sun shine on you wherever you are xxx


Good morning from the front yard! What a treat to have reports from around the world this morning!

This morning’s check-in is short and sweet, so I can tackle the garden before the heat and yellow flies try to win the battle. Starting with the Queen of Hearts that are riotously sparkling but, as you can see, putting me to work with the dead heads…

Checking in later, but have an enjoyable day!


We have our two grand children staying with us for a few days. And their wee dog. I thought they might have been a little contentious but none of it. None of it.


Thanks @Chilliboot, good luck with your basil. I cheated this year and didn’t buy the seeds, bought baby plants instead. Hoping it goes well to make delicious pesto. :crossed_fingers: :yum: