Good Morning Sunday 25th June 2023

Morning all!

Pleasantly surprised with the relative quiet from my neighbors yesterday. Spent some time doing some online transactions that I could not have done had there been blaring noise. I’m happy about that.

Today is another day that I’ll have to wait to hear the noise level.

Have a good day everyone.

Good morning all, already hot and sunny.

Not going out today, just sit in the garden and read.

Have a nice day all.


Lovely morning here.

I am being taken to the Sunday Market which will be good…

Have a good day all.

Good morning all from beautiful sunny Devon :grinning:

Enjoy your day …… :parasol_on_ground::sunny:

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Morning all.

My quiet weekend stopped last night when NfH got home from a night away.

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Good morning all it was a very hot night , after a restless sleep i woke this morning at 9.45…

Have a good day everyone


Sunday Market was very good, next to last weekend for the Garden Nursery huge stall.

Large, and they are large, Perennials £3, tomato and pepper plants 3 for £1.

Bedding plants, incl Trailing, 9 for £1.

Happy days.

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Morning all! A lovely sunny and thankfully breezy day, it’s the church barbecue…more beer on the way :slightly_smiling_face:

Enjoy the rest of your day!!!


Afternoon all !. We had an early start before it got too hot. We took the wee dog around one of the fields now that we can take her off the lead and run around. And she is quite biddable across the main road when we put her lead back on.