Good morning all, it is a dull, overcast Sunday here but only received a disappointing 1mm of rain last night. Warm enough in the mid 20s but If it is going to be grey it might as well rain eh?
Went for my walk early (ish), the sun doesn’t rise until nearly 7am and on the way home I called into the supermarket for milk and fruit. I found some Ginger cordilal so thought I would give that a try (love ginger).
BTW after yesterday’s success with the phone I rang my son to check out the features/sound worked OK. When I put it on speaker dead silence, with me going, “Hello, hello?”. I was very worried, turns out my son was taking the piss. B@stard!
Nothing much planned for today, it is after all a day of rest.
Not very much sun down here today macywack, in fact thundery showed forecast for later
A quiet day in store (I hope) after a crazy but fun day yesterday working in hospitality.
I’m with you on the ginger thing Bruce, love the stuff in all it’s various forms
Good morning!
Dull, cool, damp but not actually raining
Nothing much planned for today, just general pottering -
A bit of cleaning & tidying
Finish making a handle for a file
Start on reading a library book - The Master and Margarita. No idea what it’s about, but it was recommended to me
My old man used to make Ginger Wine, I loved it ,used to take a flask of it to Grammar school (he didn’t know). Actually I didn’t like Stones Ginger Wine , it wasn’t as good as his.
Meant to include a photo this morning from my walk of pairs of Galahs and Corellas warming themselves in the early morning sunrise.
When waking up this morning I couldn’t remember what day it was ,and before coming on here I came to the conclusion it was Saturday …
I had a good nights sleep waking once at 4ish , then going back to sleep ,Ive been watching quite a lot of Johnathon Creek on Iplayer and my dreams are getting vivid .
Perhaps I shall give them a break and do something else with my free time .
Went a long walk yesterday around 4 fields .I recounted a YT I watched to my company which had a been about War being Imminent by Philip Ingram.
Do I need to stock pile food ? something to think about .
Good Morning from Foxy’s gaff…
Cloudy and overcast but the overnight rain has moved on. At 9 degrees C it still felt a bit chilly in the cool northerly breeze but shorts anyway.
After a doddering day yesterday walking around a garden centre my painful knee eased up by the time I shuffled under the sheets last night and felt as good as new this morning (almost) so at just past 7:00am I set off for my Sunday stroll along the canal towpath.
A slight ache but nothing too serious and it remains to be seen if it stiffens up later.
My phone is a Huawei @Bruce and I find it easy to use and navigate, but It was passed on to me from a friend and I think its about time I invested in one of my own, I fancy doing my banking on it and I don’t trust the Huawei. A Samsung A56 is looking promising, so I’ll nip down to the vodafone shop on Tuesday and hold one in my hand…
I’m glad the job on your phone worked out well and I can understand your dismay when it appeared not to work properly…
Tablets are awaiting to be distributed into their daily boxes for the week ahead, so without further ado, have a great Sunday and I’ll catch yer all later…
Good story but Germany is just a hop, skip and a jump away. What is it 550km away? not even out of NSW from me, just a 6 hour drive.
On Friday 14th March I posted a package to my son in Darwin, it arrived in Adelaide on the 16th and is currently languishing at Adelaide airport waiting for a plane to Darwin. Due to arrive on 24th.
Wollongong to Sydney 95km
Sydney to Adelaide 1400km
Adelaide to Darwin 3000km
That’s about 4500 package kilometres
You could do a lot worse. I am assuming the A54 is an ungraded, more modern version of mine
My Samsung A52 5G has been a fine phone, I have been using it since 2021, the battery life is still great, I only recharge it every couple of days. The charging problem has been developing over the last year but that seems to be cured now. The new board cost me $30
Samsung has a simple system “A” devices are the cheap ones, “S” are the expensive ones! I stuck with “S” until the S7 but then they just became ridiculously expensive (I think the latest is S25) so I tried Huewei but fell foul of security here, I kept having to turn it off to visit defence establishments etc. I bought the A52 to replace it and have been a happy bunny ever since.