Good Morning Sunday 23rd April 2023

Morning all!

Finally got some food yesterday. The delivery person took 3 hours, 2 hours longer than the last 3 deliveries. I called the company to ask about something else, but in that discussion, I found out that she claimed my order then sat on it for an hour before she even started it.

Still, food is here, so that’s good. :yum:

Days are getting warmer but today still had some wispy gray clouds. Nice!

Plan for today is relaxing as much as possible.

Have a good day everyone.


Good Morning All.

A dry but cool start to the day, the rain is due back later this morning for the day.

A busy day yesterday, taken out shopping, all stocked up now.

Paula made me 3 days supply of what she calls Glasgow Tatties and mince, lovely.

My local Hospital, one the worst in the UK, has seriously messed up my discharge letter, so a lot of work to do to sort that out today.

Have a good day all.

Morning folks.

If weather stays ok I hope to get onto the allotment. A few jobs to do.

Then a roast meal at some point, and settle back to watching The Crown.

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Its sunny now Janet.

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Yes and forecast for rain during the day.