Good Morning Sunday 21st April 2024

Good morning on this lovely summer autumn morning, not a cloud in the sky and bit warmer than yesterday supposed to get up to 22°.

Went for my walk as usual it was very pleasant out.

Once I got home I showered and got stuck into regreasing the wheel bearings on my camper. Not a hard job but does involve a bit of crawling about to get the jack and axle stands in place but I have a system because I do it every year.

I know a six stud hub is overkill for a 750kg camper but it has the same wheels as my car so I don’t need to carry a spare.

Removed all the old grease with petrol and cleaned all the bits.

Just got to get the grease into the bearings and back on the axle then I will start on the other one. am feeling very productive today. (I am sure the sun makes all the difference)

Have a lovely Sunday all you forum folks…


good evening morning all.

I am looking forward to Sunday and the beginning of a week. A couple of challenges this week, but here’s to looking beyond the immediate.

Bruce the pictures above, almost art like yet its mechanical stuff. Difference sizes and forms of a circle…haha way oversimplified what you’re doing, but interesting.

Have a good Sunday all and a great week.


just before I went to bed it was like daylight outside but it was moonlight. Being a full moon overhead and a cold clear night one didn’t need anything outside to see by. It was that rare time when the moon lit up the night enough so if one went outside no torch would be needed. Couldn’t sleep so came on here for a few minuites


Good morning all,

I woke at 05.50 which is like having a lie in for me and have just made my second coffee. It’s going to be a sunny spring day at last!
We’ll be off to the local mill pond for my son to find various twigs for his art and design project and we’ll probably take a tub of feed for the waterfowl. The antics of The Canada geese are always comical, the swans are nesting and we’re looking forward to seeing the cygnets as no doubt are other local people.

I made an executive decision yesterday and ordered the hiking/camping pan for just under sixteen quid from Amazon, hopefully we’ll test it during the week, possibly down on the coast :+1::sun_with_face:

I hope the weather’s being kind to you wherever you are too!

Enjoy your day forum people! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Morning all – weather is dull and grey at the moment, temperatures forecast to reach all of 13c!

Well, that all looks very complicated Bruce (I have no idea what any of those things are :blush:)

Beastie’s regular servants arrived home last night so my duties are over for now. :clap: Took advantage by staying in bed late, taking my time in the shower and having a long leisurely breakfast. They are only home for 2 weeks and then are off again, although only for a week this time

It’s the London marathon today – will I be taking part? Well, I would but I don’t think it would be fair on all those athletes who have been training for months :running_woman:

Not much planned for today, well it is Sunday, except a visit to the cemetery and start reading one of the books delivered yesterday

Take care - have a great day


Good Morning From Foxy’s World… :sunglasses:
Clear blue sky when I left home for my Sunday 5 still a bit cool though at 6 degrees C. Pulled on the shorts and went early to be home to watch the London Marathon. Feeling exceedingly good I strapped the GPS on my wrist and went off to set a good pace. I was rewarded by knocking 3.5 minutes off this years best time for the course.

Watching the marathon brings back so many memories from 1989…

Just one of many…


Looks like a useful size I carry a couple of small cast iron fry pans in my camper but, to be honest, rarely use them.

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