Good Morning Sunday 20th October 2024

Good morning to you all.

A lovely warm, sunny day here (mid 20s) so I have been busy.

First order of business was to give my new Chock a second coat of paint.

While I was wandering about in the garage I noticed the C section Sail attachment stuff left in a corner. Decided, after a bit of measuring, to fit it to the other side of my camper so I can use it on both sides. I originally had only put it on one side because of the aerial attachment but as I rarely put up the aerial now decided t give it a go anyway.

As you can see it is less than ideal but I think it will do. It is only used in wet weather anyway, of which I have had half a dozen wet nights in 9 years of using the camper.

Have no plans for this arvo, might just go for a walk.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, have a good one…


Morning all – more heavy rain overnight - wet and windy this morning (the weather not me!)

Feeling a bit better this morning, although still not quite right (there are those who would say I haven’t been right for years!).

The new books arrived yesterday so I will be making a start on the first one today. Strange thing is they came in two separate deliveries, one was delivered by Amazon and the other two by DPD – although all 3 were ordered from Amazon

Not much else planned for today – well it is Sunday which is a day of rest

Take care - hope everyone has a relaxing restful day


Good morning everyone.

A wet and blustery day is forecast, although it isn’t raining yet. Annie dog and I had our walk and a chat with another greyhound owner who lives in the village; he adopted his greyhound at around the same time that Annie dog adopted us, so we share thoughts and ideas on all things greyhound.

The Plant and Craft Fair I visited yesterday was a success. I was able to buy some Wallflower plants, which was my aim in going. I also bought a pot of Loganberry jam from a lady who had made the jams herself. I shall enjoy that on toast at some point. I was looking for Greengage jam but to no avail, there never seems to be any around these days although I do check everywhere I go when jam is for sale.

I hope you soon feel fully fit @SheilaP it’s miserable being below par and the horrible weather does nothing to lift the spirits.

I shall be ringing my younger son later for our weekly catchup, which I enjoy. Nothing else planned for today so I shall just let it unfold and see what it brings - though I might have another session with the jigsaw I started the other day at some point.

Happy Sunday!


Heavy rain this morning so its a stay indoors day


Good morning - A wet and windy day in store. I’ve tried to put off family visits today. Mrs mart has the most awful-sounding raspy cough that’s set of every time she tries to speak. She finds it so had not to talk when family are here and I want her to give those bronchial tubes as much rest as possible. I hope I’m not being too controlling by trying to keep people away.

Between us, we know each other’s needs so well that words aren’t often necessary. :slight_smile:

Have a good day.


Good Midday everyone…
Late again…
I’ll probably be late for my own funeral…
I decided to go a bit further this morning and with these dark mornings it’s already nearly eight before I set off. I walked and jogged around my five mile route coming back down the lane. It was going swimmingly (swimming being the operative word) because as I joined the lane for the last two miles I found a sea of puddles and mud…And to make it worse, farmer Giles had harvested his spuds and used some very heavy equipment up and down the lane churning up mud and slop…
So when I returned home it meant a thorough cleaning of shoes and Robert…
Mrs Fox and friend have been summoned to the church on God business, while I prepared the dinner (well I turned on the cooker at the appointed time anyway) and I had my breakfast after some essential foot maintenance. Cutting nails and pairing down an annoying corn on an inaccessible part of my foot. When I was running marathons I used to cut the little buggers out with a Stanley Knife, no time to mess about, but these days I give them a severe rubbing with a piece of rough sandpaper…


Good afternoon all, another cloudy day, at least it’s not raining, well not yet anyway. :crossed_fingers:
Made a gourmet lunch today, fettuccine with truffles that my son brought home yesterday, his friend "a truffle hunter " had given them to him, like he often does. Delicious :yum:.

Judging by everyone’s posts recently, seems that we’re all going through a rainy period :umbrella: :slightly_frowning_face:


Good happy Sunday from Florida!

I woke up in the bliss of my own bed and while I wanted to roll over and sleep in for another hour, I head OGF’s footfalls and decided I’d better get on with it. Fall is definitely here, cutting through the otherwise ubiquitous humidity. These are the odd mornings in which it is too chilly for a tank top and shorts, but too warm for tights and a jacket, but after making that difficult decision, I decided to treat myself by driving to my favorite beach trail that runs alongside the beach. I am feeling just a tiny bit of instability in my knee, so I decided to stick to the harder surface for a good four miles. I love this time of year when the tourists are gone and the seagulls, willets, sanderlings, and herons have returned to their rightful place to the shoreline.

I hope Mrs. @mart is on the mend quickly!

Have a very nice day!


The problem with Amazon is that not only do they sell stuff from their own warehouse they are also a market place where external companies can sell their wares. There is a clue in the listing


Rather than


Your books could have originated from several sources/bookshops hence their different packaging.

One of the objections about Amazon (at least here) is that they take a cut from other businesses by using their market power but actually do nothing other than list their products. Personally I find the free shipping irresistible at $60 a year