Good morning Sunday 20th Feb

Good morning all, the weather is pretty miserable today, quite a strong breeze with continual rain so certainly not inviting… :sunglasses:

We have family visiting for lunch today so I suppose we will have to muck out again and then gather a few scraps together to feed them with… :upside_down_face:

Have a pleasant Sunday everyone :blush:


Morning Barry, and all to follow.

Apart from dog walks (dodging adverse weather if we can), not going out. Laundry to fold up. Might hoover. And I might, if I can muster up the courage, take a look inside my loft. Need to find out what that awful crash was Friday evening.

Mornin’ … nothing much to report

It’s wet & windy here, so I’ll be staying in pottering about with my hobbies

Morning all. Another wet and windy day here in Bristol area.
Going to have to leave fixing my fence to another day. :+1:

Morning all. Chilly, wet and windy here too.
I might get my new little propogator out and sow my tomato seeds, and there’s some ironing to do, but not much else planned.

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: a wet and windy one it is too…

Not much planned for the day, first job will be to grit my teeth and tackle the ironing with an aching back. :slightly_smiling_face:

Enjoy your day folks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey @Mags , you really need to train Mr Mags up to do the ironing, I’m just amazed you haven’t after all those years… :grinning:

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Good Morning from Foxy’s world… :039:
Sun is out and just returned from a ten mile run up the lane in my shorts and vest… :icon_biggrin:

Well that’s the fiction out of the way…Going out for Sunday lunch with some friends to the local golf club, might play around Ah hem! If Mrs Fox isn’t looking… :icon_lol:
Weather forecast says it’s going to be chucking it down all day accompanied by very gusty winds. However, I’ll see how I feel after filling up with beef and yorkshire puddings and might go out into the thick of it…I may be gone quite some time… :pleading_face:

Oh he is well trained Barry but I’m afraid the years have caught up with him and he is not as mobile as he was. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: …… that’s his excuse anyway! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Morning all, not nice out there, raining, windy and cold. So I’m currently looking through my patterns for something to make my new granddaughter, who is due at the beginning of April.

Enjoy your Sunday folks :blush:

Good Morning everybody! Have a relaxing Sunday everyone :slight_smile:

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Morning all.

Just about to set off to dads with his Sunday roast. It raining, dark and miserable outdoors.
Besides walking tge dog doing nothing else except feet up. I’m back at work tomorrow. I was going to take 2 weeks off with John but he’s doing so well I am going back after one weeks holiday then in March I can use my week for me and John to getaway which he so deserves.

Happy Sunday all.

Good morning everyone :smiley: high winds and rain yet again.
Friday turned into a horrid day, Chloe developed a UTI and was peeing blood and wanting to be taken out ever few moments into the storm and I had a 15 hour episode of my heart not working properly just to add to the general mayhem.

We went to the vets yesterday and Chloe was given medication and is better today. I am still batting back pain and have found a Physiotherapist and hope to visit her soon.

I am going to sort through some paperwork after lunch. I haven’t seen the family this weekend my eldest grandson has covid again.

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So pleased John is doing so well Queenie …… I put it down to the excellent caring nurse he has. :grinning:


So sorry to hear this meg. Hope you feel better soon. Episodes are horrible .


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Pleased John is doing well.
But sorry to hear about Meg and Chloe. Get well soon.


Oh dear Meg, things don’t seem to be going too well for you at the moment.
Hope you and Chloe start to feel much better soon now. x

Sorry to hear things have been really tough for you @meg, sending you a ((hug)) and wishing better days ahead for you and Chloe…

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So sorry to hear this Meg, have you got some medication?
Try and rest and take it easy for a few days, I know it must be difficult having to take chloe out so regularly, but leave the jobs until you feel better…xx

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