Good morning Sunday 17th Oct

Good morning everyone, raining here at the moment but mild, so no complaints. :sunglasses:

Nothing much on my agenda, just a run over to the B&Q later for a mooch around and I’ll be cooking some parsnip soup for lunch.

Enjoy your Sunday folks :blush:

Good morning Barry & OFC members!

It’s a lovely, sunny Spring day here!
Not much planned today just a small birthday lunch later for my son :slightly_smiling_face:


Good morning Barry, Minx and everyone! Dark and wet outside, but mild - ugh. No plans yet for the day…maybe browse around for some house refresh ideas for Christmas/New Year. I enjoy the planning, but not the upset of decorating, haha! Have a lovely day everybody :wave: Happy Birthday to your son, Minx! :partying_face:


A very happy birthday to your son Minx… :birthday::balloon::tada::gift:

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Thank you :pray:t3: 18 today! Proud mum @Barry @PixieKnuckles


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Good morning all.
Off out at 10am to do our weekly shopping, nothing else planned.
Happy Birthday to your Son Minx.
Have a nice day all.

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Morning all.

Happy 18th birthday to your son, Minx.

A dismal looking day so not sure if I will go out, other than dog walks. See if it improves later.

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Good Morning everyone

Mean and moody weather here today! Nothing much planned.

Happy 18 birthday to Master Minx - have a wonderful day.

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Good morning everyone from a fairly damp and gloomy Yorkshire (still beautiful though)

All my plans are on hold because of being pinged…little grandson has covid…he is OK though no symptoms at all but his teacher and just about the whole class has it.

Happy Birthday to your son Minx…its a big deal being 18…have a lovely day x

Have a great day everyone

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Happy Birthday son of Minx.:slight_smile:

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Morning everyone, it’s dry and sunny today, and quite mild too. Late night last night after babysitting, so feeling a bit sluggish this morning.

Planning to get started on my granddaughter’s PJs today. She told me she wants those little flutter sleeves on the shoulder as well as long sleeves, IYKWIM.

Happy 18th to Minx’s son :partying_face: :old_key:

Enjoy your Sunday everyone :blush:

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Congrats to the proud mum of an 18 year old.

Yesterday, I said there was a 50/50 chance of my food delivery arriving. Well, 2 out of 3 boxes arrived, but the bulk of it is in one box, still to arrive. I don’t want to guess what the odds of it arriving on Sunday will be.

Other than that, I’m hoping for a quiet day.

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Good morning everybody.

My daughter Sue & Partner Nick now have covid!
I was at their house a few days ago so had better do a lateral flow test just to make sure.

No plans for today - just watch TV & potter about. Tony & I have the box set of the series ‘As time goes by’ with Geoffrey Palmer & Judi Dench - we love it - The oldies are best!

Happy birthday to Minx junior.

Have a good day all…

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Happy Birthday, to Mini Minx!

18 year olds have “Come of age” and must do all the housework henceforth.

Worries me, though, as some of my Great Grand-Children are not that far off 18!

:family_woman_woman_girl_boy: :family_woman_woman_boy_boy:

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Happy 18th Birthday Minx Junior. Congratulations :cake:

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Hi one and all. :wave: . Bit overcast but mild so no complaints there. Got a fair bit of garden tidying to get on with so best look busy before you know who starts dropping hints that the garden needs a tidy up. :wink: have a good day whatever your agenda. :smiley:

Seems like lots of it about at the moment; hope you have not succumbed, how do you feel and how are they?

Pouring down here really cold not sure I will be going out at all as I am getting over this cold/flu bug day one properly able to breath.

Have a good day all

Alf went on a deer chase this morning, needless to say only one winner, he’s out for the count now, dry again but for how long, enjoy.

Mine went off on a pheasant chase the other day swear the pheasant was bored and was simply teasing her.