Good Morning Sunday, 13th October 2024

Good morning to all you sleepyheads on this lazy Sunday morning. not hot, not cold probably about 23/24° so pleasant enough day, a bit overcast but no chance of rain.

I have been jacking up my camper to repair the damaged caused when I hit a kangaroo.

After attacking the mudguard with a large hammer I have got it more or less back into shape. Now I have to loosen the axle U bolts and move the axle back to the centre of the springs on one side, that might be a job for tomorrow. I have to jack the chassis off the axle stand to do that. That is the problem in your 70s simple jobs bugger you so everything takes an extraordinarily long time.

Glad to see @Surfermom is back having survived the two cyclones, I hope her home wasn’t damaged.

Anyway I might just watch the start of the Bathurst 1000, it used to be compulsory viewing for me once but since they have gone to pretend V8 Supercars, got rid of the classes and ruined the track I only watch the great race intermittently.

Have a lovely lazy Sunday, and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Take care.


Good morning!
Dull & cloudy but dry

I’m not feeling very lively this morning, and also a bit sniffly

As I felt slightly better over the past few days I’ve been catching up with tidying, but it looks like these exertions, including the heady delights of a day out in Colne have been too much
So I’ll probably spend today drinking tea and dozing under the duvet
I’ve had two part read books on the go for ages, so I’ll work on finishing those as well

And that’s about it.


Good morning - A good enough one for the time of year. Decided to let the Wood Pigeons wander all over the lawns pecking at whatever it is they find so irresistible and leaving deposits everywhere. I have been deterring them up to now but we won’t be walking on the grass much more this year, so the mess won’t matter so much. Time to put the covers on the garden seats I suppose.

I made myself a sausage toastie for breakfast because I felt a bit better. Picked myself up, dusted myself down …and now feeling a bit cream-crackered. Where has the old me gone? Not left permanently I hope. Still going to do some steps at a pace later.

Family will be visiting this afternoon. I’ll try not to hide. :slight_smile:

Have a good day


Morning all – cold start to the day – max. temperature 9c but at least it is dry, although heavy rain forecast for later tonight

Sorry you are not feeling too good today zuludog – just relax and take it easy for today, I always find reading helps me take my mind off how I am feeling!

Glad you felt a bit better mart - unfortunately I find that it doesn’t take much to wear me out these days - getting old isn’t for the faint hearted! Enjoy the family visit

Beast’s regular servants arrived home yesterday – had a bit of a nightmare journey back so didn’t arrive until mid-afternoon. Tried to get her to go out mid-day but she refused and left me a final little gift!! At least I am relieved of duties until mid-November when they are off again for a week.

As I didn’t have to get up early to take care of the cat I had a lie in – didn’t get up until 8 and had a nice relaxing breakfast (full English as it is Sunday!). Now I have to get myself up off the couch to clear up the kitchen and make the bed – after I have finished my coffee!

Only other plans for today are a visit to the cemetery and perhaps some ironing if I feel energetic (unlikely)

Take care – hope everyone has a good day


It got quite windy last night as I was seeing off the family at 10:30pm, so I waved goodbye from the door and quickly scurried back inside as soon as they were out of sight.
Last nights wind had left a pile of leaves heaped up around the door (this mornings job) when I left the house for my early morning jaunt along the canal towpath, and although the wind had dropped, and it was very calm, the temperature was an eye watering 4 degrees C. Still in my shorts and looking like a runner, I jogged a few early stretches so as not to disappoint any onlookers, to keep warm and try out the injured groin.
It went very well with hardly an ache but decided to walk the remainder and be thankful for the recovery so far. As I sit eating my porridge and perusing the forum it hasn’t stiffened up which is always a good sign. I’ll give it another go tomorrow…
Now! Where is that brush and shovel?


Good morning everyone.

It’s quite a dull, cold day here but I have hopes for some sunshine later - more in hope than expectation really. The dog walk went smoothly, there’s hardly anyone around today except the intrepid cyclists who regularly pass through the village on Sunday mornings, I think it must be members of a cycling club.

I have just made a cake! This is the first one I’ve made in over two years, since my husband passed away in fact. I used to make them for him as I rarely eat cake but I had the sudden urge to bake one this morning, just to ensure that I hadn’t forgotten how to do it. I must admit it does smell good as it’s baking but whether I shall eat it or give it away is yet to be decided. I am also considering whether to make a Christmas cake this year - again it has been over two years since I made one. I do like Christmas cake though so maybe I’ll attempt just a small one.

Sorry you are feeling below par @zuludog I hope you feel better soon. Glad you’re feeling a bit better @mart may it continue.

i hurt my back on Friday whilst I was tidying up the garden - I’ve decided that bending over to dig out those recalcitrant dandelions was the cause. I have a kneeler thingy that my son bought for me so I shall have to get that out for when I tackle the remainder of the garden - so it will be my knees that I complain about next time!

I think the cake is about ready now so I’d better go and check it.

Happy Sunday!


Bruce hit a Kangaroo??? Should have had donkeys on top of your truck going "EEEEEOOOO-- EEEEOOOOO . Then the Kangaroo would have had time to get out the way


No, the kangaroo hit me.

I wonder what a Wallby is?

Good morning from calm Florida!

We have had our first cold front come through which is a welcome relief from all the humidity. The storms left us plagued with biting black flies that this front will carry away. Hallelujah!

Sorry you are still down, @zuludog, and I hope you @mart feel better through the day.

@OldGreyFox, you will have to run for the both of us. Come to find out, I have joints and muscles that I never knew that I had that are screaming at me, so I am determined to rest. You know how it is; taking a day for recovery is the hardest thing of all!

This is an interesting phenomenon going on right now. Because of all the rain and flooding, organic matter (leaves, branches, etc) in the runoff is filling the rivers, which, in turn, is causing a bloom of bacteria that grow and use up oxygen in water. The result is thousands of fish nearing the surface, gasping for air since the water is so hypoxic. I hope conditions get back to normal for them, too.

Have a nice day!


Quote “I have been jacking up my camper to repair the damaged caused when I hit a kangaroo.”

quote “No, the kangaroo hit me.”

Bruce is confused .

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The UK Rescue Service sends its #1.Swimmer
Surf Lifesaver. In the making - Copy

The Resilient Chin Up. Floridians’ . :pray: >> :wink:


If they are that cute, send more!

Thanks, Quint.


That one came, after being verified by family on Merritt Island. Dade County. That ducked the worst this time around. ^5.


As Einstein said, “It’s all relative”.

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Einstein also said “to do is to be” and " to be is to do"
Do be do be do be do = Frank Sinatra


Great to see you back safe and posting again Surfermom.
No excuses though…You either ran today, or you didn’t… :009:

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Ooooh, I’ve been called out :weary:

I would say that I plan on running tomorrow, but we know that doesn’t count either :face_with_diagonal_mouth:. Have a good night, OGF!


Thanks Surfer… :+1:
I’m only joking. I understand your passion for running and know that it takes an act of God to prevent you from going out training…

An act of God indeed! I confess it is as much a passion for sourdough bread and pasta as running that inspires me to lace up every morning :smiley:.

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