Good Morning Sunday, 12th January 2025

Good morning to everyone on this rather lovely Sunday. The sun has been shining for most of the morning, after the last few days of rain it made such a nice change. There are a few clouds about but nothing too disturbing.

Need to get my ladder out later as the downpipe from one of my gutters needs some attention - water splashed out during the heaviest downpour yesterday it’s a stupid design intended to stop leaves getting to the rainwater tanks but they have their own filter so it really is unnecessary and just tends to splash water everywhere

Am not eating at all today because I have nibbled far too much junk food after being stuck in the house with the recent rain. Just drinking a lot of tea and coffee to stop me feeling hungry :smile:

Might venture down to the supermarket to get milk later though it could wait until tomorrow. Might also test run at least one of my generators just in case - those California bush fires certainly concentrate the mind.

Yesterday arvo I finished my family video of the Christmas gathering, unfortunately I enjoyed myself too much and forgot to film important events so the video is a bit dull because I only remembered to film when there was a lull in proceedings :frowning_face: Ho hum, I am out of practice.

Not a lot else to say about today, the weather is nice enough though I am anticipating that the combination of rain and warm weather will make the grass throw itself out of the ground as it loses its brown tinge. I can see the mower becoming necessary later in the week.

Have a lovely Sunday and enjoy the remains of the weekend.

Take care…


Good morning everyone, it’s been pouring down since yesterday evening, just as expected, no sign of stopping. The problem is the temperature, at the moment it’s about 4C out there. This severe, cold weather front will apparently cause a further, drastic drop in temperatures - yesterday, it was 15C! :astonished: , with a possibility that the rain will turn into snow in hilly areas, which is where we live:neutral_face: I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will not. :grimacing:

Up North they’re not getting any snow, why should we? Not fair :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just can’t wait for Winter to be over. :slightly_frowning_face:

I think I’ll make myself a comfort breakfast this morning, some Weetabix with warm milk, honey and berries :smile:.

I’ve noticed that one of my gutters may need cleaning @Bruce, but I won’t be getting up there! :slightly_frowning_face: Perhaps I’ll get my son to take a look when the weather gets better.

I hope you are all getting some sunshine, even though many of you are going through freezing days, at the moment.


Good morning all !

Continuing with the theme of the weather it seems that it’s the final day of the cold snap. It’s minus three out there at the moment although we are in for some sunshine thank goodness!

Yep, I’m very much looking forward to the spring as well Rose. I’ve been going through some fishing tackle and making plans in my head.

We have sausages defrosting in the fridge as well as a pack of minced beef although I haven’t quite decided how to use the latter. I shall consult Chilli jnr when he emerges from his room.

Have a great Sunday people :+1:


Morning all – above freezing this morning with highs forecast for 6c, time to get out the summer clothes!!!

Be careful on that ladder Bruce – as I think I have said before I am in favour of GAMI (get a man in!)

Still not renewed my driver’s licence or paid the vehicle tax! After shopping and laundry yesterday decided I deserved to sit down with a cup of coffee and my book, got carried away and forgot about the licence renewal – oh well I will get round to that later today (perhaps)

Thoroughly enjoyed the pizza last night – it must be 5 months since I last had one – ashamed to say I ate it all which meant I was immobile for quite some time after!

Sunday so a day of rest (seems most of my days are days of rest lately!), also the one day I have a full English breakfast which is currently cooking so looking forward to that

Take care – have a great day


Good morning!
Dry, clear, slightly cloudy
Still ice & snow on the ground, but not as much frost as the last 2 or 3 mornings

I have plenty of bedding and warm clothing, but last night I dug out my old sub zero sleeping bag from when I used to do serious hill walking & camping, and slept in that, just on the bed
It was one of the warmest and most comfortable night’s sleep I’ve had for ages so I’ll carry on doing that while we have this spell of very cold weather

I still have my annoying minor cold, so not much planned for today, just keeping warm, reading & dozing & drinking tea
I got my car tax reminder yesterday, but that’s not due till the end of the month


Morning all

I went a walk along the Canal yesterday , it was frozen over and the swans were standing on it .
Still frosty in the garden and on the roofs this morning , but we are heading for a little warmer temp , although its still going to be single figures .

I helped out yesterday on a oil change for Sons car , I watched him refill with new oil .And guided him on the ramps … He thanked me for my help , thats what mums are for right .

@zuludog your idea of a sleeping bag is one thats. gone through my mind . Ive been sleeping on the sofa in the living room for some time , I couldn’t manage to change the bedding with a broken arm . It would be less bedding to wash too .

Yesterday I made a Jelly ,and took a cream cake out the Freezer , so im looking forward to both these.

Have a good day all .


Good morning - A sleepless night suffering with indigestion. Just couldn’t shift it. All because of being such a pig eating last night’s curry and drinking a beer and a whisky. Only got myself to blame. Oh well, it did mean I was up early enough to see the Sun rise…

Just been setting up and playing with the new Echo Dot. A clever device.

Have a good day everyone. :slight_smile:


good morning all
I got out of bed. :innocent:


Those are superb aren’t they? I got one a couple of years ago and didn’t realise how useful and versatile they are. We now have the original in the front room and one in each of our bedrooms. Terrific for listening to Amazon audio books! :+1:


I’ve got this one set up in the bedroom but Mrs mart is so impressed that I’ve ordered another for her craft room. I used OnBuy. They are a better price than Amazon are selling them for.


I did it this arvo. My house only single storey so it is not high.

Am sort of aware of ladder dangers since I received a dressing down from the council some years ago. Apparently they have some rule that over 70s are not allowed on ladders.

Anyway I am very careful.

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Do you realise that things like eco -dot and similar can listen in even when switched off. Bit like having a hidden spy in your house.


My son gave me a Nest, I think it is Google. I don’t use it because I have so much of Google turned off that it was basically a clock and alarm and I have a phone for that.

Pity in a way but these things are very intrusive so I prefer to be without them. My son uses his all the time


Yes I realise this is a concern some people have. A good read on the entire subject…


Good Morning from Foxy’s World… :man_walking:
Had it on my mind to do a longer five mile walk this morning despite a few aches and pains. The feeling got much stronger when I left the house at 8:00am and it didn’t seem as cold, couldn’t check the outside thermometer because it has packed up for some reason.
I reckon about 0 or 1 degree C. The ground was still frozen and the path alongside the field and through the woods, normally muddy, were very solid and easy going so I made good time. Most of the footpaths were clear of ice and snow with just a thin layer of early morning frost. The lane was full of frozen puddles, but there was always somewhere to walk round them, although I did come across a lady dog walker who had strayed onto the ice and slipped down. She was okay though so no need to call out the air ambulance.
Haven’t done this walk for a while and really enjoyed being out in the country, but I wouldn’t like to walk the lane once it has thawed out… :009:
Chicken cooking in the oven and a bottle of red on the table, so not much activity at the Foxes this afternoon…
We’ve had plenty of sunshine Rose but it’s hardly gone above freezing through the day, apparently it’s all going to change later in the week, more rain but warmer…I’m just counting down the days until summer and long walks in the country in my shorts and without hat and gloves…
Perhaps a nice cottage pie Chilli, my favourite… :yum:
I agree with you Sheila, a comfort breakfast comprises of eggs, bacon, and tomatoes…
with a couple of rounds of hot buttered toast on the side…None of this namby pamby fruit and serial stuff… :grin:
I miss those cold winter hikes out in the wild places Zulu, have we gone soft or just sensible these days… :wink:
It usually takes a few days for the canal to freeze over Eliza, it just shows how cold it’s been just lately. I’ve not even seen any ducks or swans on our bit of canal. Don’t you find that canal towpaths make excellent walks though…Something quite relaxing walking alongside water, better when its warm though…
Mart, I just wonder what use it would be for someone to be spying on Mrs Fox and me, I suppose its mainly to target us for possible sales opportunities. I reckon there will be the same conversations going on in millions of houses across the UK. However,
I’m not much of a gadget collector and I rarely listen to music or the news or buy anything from Amazon, I prefer to visit shops etc rather than order online, I even have a piece of gorilla tape stuck across the camera of my laptop. I completely understand why people make use of the internet and perhaps if my circumstances change in the future I will also succumb to the temptation of the modern age…But not yet… :009:


Good morning from the stratocumulus world of Florida! @Mart, your sunrise puts us to shame, but I sure hope this finds you feeling better.

Echo Dots remind me so much of my mom :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. When we bought her last single-story house, we put a Dot in every room. She used them for all things - calling us, music (Sarah Brightman her fav), making grocery lists, medication reminders, and making emergency calls if she needed them. Unquestionably, they afforded her several more years of independent living in her own home, and she loved them.

@Rose2, if it’s going to be cold, I always hope for snow, though I know it is a different story when one lives in hills and mountains. Mentioning the north leaves me pining for South Tyrol, unquestionably one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

@SheilaP, @Eliza, and @Chilli, aligned with you in the simple pleasures of Sunday meals,I decided to get up early and give making croissants a go :woman_cook:. I think my butter was not cold enough, because a good portion seemed to run out on the cookie sheet while they bakes. They would not win any beauty contests and I look like I’ve been rolling in flour, but anything coming out of a warm oven masks the sins of mediocre baking. Still, don’t think I’m going to be invited to The Great British Baking Show anytime soon.

@zuludog I hope you are feeling better. Like you, my sleeping bag is unfurled but it’s currently being used to keep surfboards warm in the garage. Freezing can compromise the integrity of the epoxy and cause it to crack when my body weight and downward thrust cause them to flex on drop-ins and turns. I’m with @OldGreyFox; It is a bad, bad …bad situation when my sporting goods, in a sad and lonely state have to turn to each other for company and warmth :smiling_face_with_tear: rather than getting a workout outdoors. I would sure love to be on a summery alpine hike about now :tent:.

Well, it has been an insane 48 hours around here - unexpected company leaving, my daughter shifting around some coursework, and then having to frantically lead the the annual meeting of our condo association which has left me the project manager of major construction projects (piling wraps, structural stairwell replacement and moisture investigation) and foolishly remaining on as president for another year - without pay. I like the work and think it is good for my fraying frontal cortex, but I really should have “fool” stamped on my head :sweat_smile:.

@Bruce, every time someone mentions gutters and ladders :ladder:, my PTSD kicks in remembering the historic rainy day in 2020 when I wore my dad’s yellow rain slicker and valiantly (which means “stupidly”) cleared out gutters on my parents house and dug French drains in the mud and downpour in a futile attempt to keep the water from seeping into basement. All was well, until a neighbor drove by and honked, and I realized how funny I looked - bare footed and legged in that giant coat. I would have given about anything about then for my dad to have seen that whole situation and in a fit of laughter and bossiness chasing me off to do the work himself. This brings me to wonder why your council went to all the trouble of fussing at you when, in the same amount of time, they could have cleared the gutters themselves :thinking:.

Today I am valiantly taking on the mantel of vacuuming every last inch of this house with my tropical playlist humming, while I wish this winter away. Only dry croissants and hot chai can save me now… :rofl:.

Have a cozy Sunday!


No, no, I wasn’t cleaning the council gutters, I was on a ladder inside the senior’s hall doing something (I forget what exactly but picture hanging type of thing) when one of the staff came past and told me about the council rules. As far as they are concerned once you are over 70 your feet are not allowed to leave the ground basically.

That is a very good point. I don’t use my Google Nest (I hope that is what it is called) at the moment but I will bear it in mind for the future. I certainly want to stay in my home as long as I am able, I like my things around me (and I have a lot of things)


BTW my device is not called a Google Nest that is their name for the system of which it is a part - it is a Google Mini

I had to drag it out to look. They’re only about $30 to $40 (£15 to £20) depending where you shop.