Good morning Sunday 12th Dec

Good morning everyone, very mild here for a change and forecast dry after quite a wet night, so no complaints…:sunglasses:

Nothing much planned as ever so just the usual dog walking and pottering around for me this morning, then feet up this afternoon with maybe a film… life can be so exciting in retirement… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:

Good Morning Barry and all who follow.

Much warmer here today but very cloudy. No pretty sunrise this time.

Trying to summon up the energy to shimmy up the loft ladder and bring down the Christmas stuff. Keep putting it off as it is like the arctic circle up there!

Cooked a gammon yesterday - going to turn the water into Irish Onion and Garlic soup when I am on the other side of a stack of toast and an a pot of tea.

Stay safe.

Good morning everybody.

Not much doing here today. I’m going to finish off cleaning the lounge so I can put the decorations up. Just the windows to clean really & a bit of dusting on the top shelves!

Tony & I will have a walk to the post box to post the cards I wrote out yesterday.

Have a good Sunday all…

Good morning everyone

Watching the Grand Prix later…really really hoping Lewis wins :slight_smile:

Christmas Carols on the village green later along with warm mince pies and mulled wine…hope it doesn’t rain

Have a good day everyone

Good morning all.

Nothing planned for the day, its wet and miserable here.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning everyone :wave:

Its just beginning to get light, so I’ll take the dog out and have breakfast, before deciding what to do with the day.

Have a good one everybody!

Morning all.

Yes I too have the dog walk first, then breakfast. I need to take another Covid test later, want to finish my library book (few pages to go), and cook a nice meal, once I’ve delved in the freezer and taken a look what’s in there.

Need to wrap up for dog walks, I guess.

Morning all, much milder here today, but thick cloud so it looks gloomy. I have to finish off a couple of Christmas gift things today, and there’s the Christmas cards to write as well. Then this afternoon we have a click and collect at Tesco - first time I’ve done online shopping since last May!

Have a good Sunday folks :blush:

Good morning from ‘out in the rural sticks’ to you all. :039:

Milder today, thank goodness. Generally dry with bright or sunny spells developing.
Maximum temperature 13ºC, almost double that of yesterday.

Doubtful if I will be going out, always those mundane household tasks to do.

Enjoy your day everybody, whatever you may be doing.

Battleship grey out there, mizzle in the air, nothing planned except taking SWMBO to have her booster jab after dinner. Enjoy.

Morning all.
It rained all night, and is chilly and overcast as we speak.

I have visitors coming in a mo, so must be quick inhere this morning.
Nothing else planned, except popping out to take a card to a friend who came out of hospital Friday.

Have a good day all, and be good. :grinning:

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: a much milder day after last night’s rain.

Washing is out on the line hoping it will dry today.

Tidied up the last? of the fallen leaves, i would hate to slip on them at this time of the year.

Have a good day folks…

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: the weather can’t make it mind up to rain or not so I have been in and out with the washing.

My bread rolls are in the oven and I still have lunch to cook so need to get on…