Good Morning Sunday 10th December 2023

Morning all!

Got a couple bills paid including the insurance one that I got straightened out last month.

I’ve been working on my laptop. Microsoft has Firefox on the MS store but won’t let me use it without breaking Windows. Still have that to do.

It was overcast yesterday. I hope it means quiet but judging by last weekend, hard to tell.

Can’t make any plans yet today.

Have a good day everyone.

Morning folks.

Shall stay home in the warm, apart from dog walks. It was quite windy last night but just let the dog out into the garden. I love that, when she does her business earlier in the evening, as that means no late walk needed.

I started another library book yesterday, so will continue with that, if nothing else needs my attention.

Good morning!
Cold and dull, but not raining

I’m staying in today to make a sheath for my latest knife, and at the speed I go, that will take up most of the day, plus general pottering & tidying

It’s wet but went out to the garden for the dog to poo and pee. Today my sister is coming for lunch - such a joy…(

Good Morning from Foxy’s World… :footprints:
Nice and mild this morning as I set off for my Sunday five…
A bit muddy alongside the field and through the wood with twigs and branches scattered everywhere after last nights strong winds. A beautiful sunrise was short lived as it disappeared behind the gathering clouds, I jogged along the footpath beside the busy road, but it’s never all that busy on a Sunday morning. It’s always nice to turn off and onto the lane, the peace and quiet, with just the sounds of nature and the odd good morning from a dog walker. There were plenty of puddles to navigate around today, but although I had to perform a shoe cleaning ceremony when I got home, my feet had kept dry…My Merrell walking shoes had done their job…Although I’m not surprised with how much they cost…

I’d highly recommend Grisport footwear Foxy, lovely Italian quality, how refreshing to buy something that isn’t manufactured in China, unless you’re shopping for some foodie delights in Gerrard Street in which case China rules supreme, an exception rather than the rule :+1:

Anyway, back to the matter in hand.

Good morning people, weather is pretty glum here in West Sussex, wet and moderately warm for the time of year.

We have a decent joint of beef all ready to go in the fridge, Chilli junior is going to attend to the meat in the mini oven, I’m entrusted with the roast potatoes in the less energy efficient fan oven… bring it on!

Enjoy your day people!

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Excellent Chilli I’ll give them a look see…

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Grisport !
Best boots - I wear them all the time. I’d wear them even in bed if my wife would let me…:slight_smile:


Thanks Besoeker, that’s a great recommendation, I’ll see what Mrs Fox says…She likes it a bit kinky…