Good Morning Saturday Jan 8th

Good Morning everybody!

Rain is clearing away all yesterdays ice and snow, which is a blessing for drivers and pedestrians alike! Finally got a “proper” hair cut yesterday after doing it myself for the last two years. I think my hairdresser has forgotten his training, because it doesn’t look any different :joy:

Not really much planned for today, quick shopping trip for food and bits & bobs. Some chores to do, and I must remember that this is Saturday…for some reason I still think its a weekday.

Have a lovely day everyone :wave:

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Morning Pixie.

Not motivated yet this morning. Urgh.

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Morning Pixie, Jazzi and all who follow. So dark here, grey and gloomy, and probably a day of rain to look forward to.

I really must do some baking today - I’ve got bananas that are good for nothing except banana bread, and some apples begging to be made into apple cake.

Hope you all have a pleasant day :blush:

Good morning everyone, just back from a soggy and cold walk around the lake and now drying out with a steaming cappucino.

Rain forecast here for much of the day so I’m going to bake a hot cross bun loaf and then dish up beefburgers for lunch. Nothing I enjoy more that being in the kitchen on a winter’s day…

Have a good Saturday peeps :blush:

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Marty Pellow and his group out there this morning (Wet,Wet,Wet) still got dressed up for Alfs walk so not too bad, valuation for the house yesterday came as a surprise, nice one at that .Nothing planned today bar looking online for houses up around the Burton area .Enjoy.

Good morning everyone! Enjoy your day all :slight_smile:
No work = Relax :slight_smile:


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Good morning everybody.

The snow we had yesterday has vanished - now it’s dull & raining.

I might go to Tesco’s but I think we’re pretty well stocked up so it will only be for bits & bobs.

No other plans.

Have a good day…

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: dull and wet but a lot milder than of late.

Another day of indoor pottering.

Hope your day goes well folks… :slightly_smiling_face:

Love the idea of an apple cake!

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Good Morning everyone,

Wet and breezy here today - lots of chores to be done - when I summon up the energy and inclination.

Waiting for an Amazon delivery - apart from that - nothing planned.

Stay safe.

Good to know you are feeling better, Jazzi!

Unfortunately that one will have to wait, cos I only had enough eggs and marge for the banana bread. Still, at least that one is in the oven. I’ll nip out later for more supplies!

Good morning all.
A horrid wet, windy, and grey day here, and it gets me down day after day. :frowning_face:

Nothing exciting planned, just a quick trip up the local Co-op, and the usual household chores - can hardly contain me excitement. :smiley:

See ya later - be good.

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Not long ticked over into Sunday morning here. I know, I should be in bed (just quietly, I am a little worried the room may spin if I lay down)
Was a lovely summer day, though the breeze got cool. Hot one predicted!
Off for a bit of a hill climb so hopefully clear and I can regale you all with some snapshots

be kind
stay safe

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I made my banana bread without eggs and marge…I had no idea that was possible, but it turned out really tasty! :+1:

You made those dog biscuits yet, Pixie? :grinning:

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Yes Mups, I did! I’m having to ration them because she likes them a bit too much! She’s always in her cupboard having a sniff and poke around :roll_eyes:

Hah, well done. :+1:

I make malt loaf like that. The recipe has no eggs a marge, but it says if you want to add them you can. I’ve tried various banana bread/cake recipes and the one I use is always successful. Funny thing is, the first time I made it I didn’t notice it called for 150ml of buttermilk, so that got left out. The loaves were fine! So I’ve made it without ever since, haha!

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Good mourning all. It’s -1° here with a high of 7. Lots of errands today. :smiley:

Weather was bleedin’ awful this morning so, it was a quick trip to Tesco and home again.