Good Morning Saturday 5th October 2024

Good Morning on this lovely October day. It rained a bit last night but this morning was very sunny.

It is the last day of light, early mornings for a while, six months of dopey daylight savings kicks in tonight so I will be getting up in the dark :frowning_face:

Spent the morning doing a bit of gardening by pruning and sawing what appear to be dead branches off one of my bushes, a Grevillea. I like Grevilleas but they don’t like my garden much because of the clay, makes their feet too wet.

Have to bite the bullet and work on my camper soon but it involves crawling and sitting on the ground - not my favourite activity.

Long weekend in NSW with Labour Day on Monday celebrating the achievement of an 8 hour a day in the 1850s, Crikey who works an eight hour day these days? (I mean a 40 hour week of course - absolutely no-one!)

Have a lovely weekend all the workers among us. Take care


I’ve been told we have Grevilleas.The small ones.I can see that there are some very colorful bushes in the garden at the moment. :grinning:


Good morning everyone!

It’s another lovely day here, though a bit on the chilly side. I’m spending the morning with my daughter, she’s taking me for breakfast and then it’s shopping for a piece of furniture for her new place.

We’re wrapping up the day with a braai (barbecue) at her new place this evening, so that’s my Saturday all planned out – quality time with the kids with a side dose of allergies :sneezing_face: as I’m allergic to her daughter and apparently my granddaughter Mila :cat2:

Hope you all have a great Saturday!


Good morning all, a rainy Saturday morning here but at least it’s not too cold, although still too cool for me :neutral_face: 15C. Apparently next week we should be getting warmer Summery weather :smiley:
As soon as I opened my back door, our cat made his way in demanding breakfast , doesn’t like the rain. He’s an outdoor country cat :smiley:, he’s used to hanging around outside, enjoying his freedom, he has so much space all around our property and his own little cat house under our gazebo. Sometimes we try and coax him inside but he just doesn’t want to come in :slightly_frowning_face:, typical feline personality - only does what he wants to do and when he wants :grin:.



Good morning - An early start with both Mrs mart and me booked in for flu jabs. It’s not the first time I’ve been to the doctors for the jab this year but I got the date wrong before and the place was closed. I blame it either on the pills or my age :slight_smile:

Anyway, all done and back home again. Decided to walk it for the exercise. It’s about a 3 mile round trip. Still walked at a reasonable pace but slightly hampered by the plumbing arrangements.

It was a bit chilly on the way there but the Sun broke through and warmed the air for the walk back.

It’s the weekend, which means family could drop by anytime from this afternoon onwards.

Time for a mug of tea. Have a good day. :slight_smile:


Morning all – another dry bright start to the day

Beast again demanded lots of cuddles and then refused to go out. Spoke to her regular servants yesterday who told me I should just pick her up and put her outside! Nope that is not happening – OK , I know she has me wrapped around her paw! :cat2:

Lunch with sisters in law yesterday was great fun –and the food was great, so nice to catch up.

Following on from the roof leak and the heating breaking down the third disaster occurred yesterday, my washing machine decided to flood the utility room! Checked the filter that was clear. The water seemed to be coming from the detergent drawer – somehow?? Checked it and all clear no blockage. I am beginning to think I would have fewer problems if I moved to a desert island and lived in a cave! :desert_island:

Plans for today are some shopping and housework and probably several visits next door so see if the beast has changed her mind and wants to go out!

Take care – have a lovely day


I was thinking, never buy a house or live in a house at the bottom of a hill.
If the sewer pipes get blocked anyone going to the loo higher up the hill the human waste possibly would rise in the toilet pan. There is nothing worse than being shit on by those higher up :rofl:

New camera arriving today the PanasonicG9ii which this model only was released last year.
So loads of youtube help to check on


I thought that was what you already had? Didn’t you buy one in April?

One of the first jobs if you are in a flood is put a sandbag in the toilet bowl.


Good Heavens! Is it Saturday already?
I could copy and paste what happened last Saturday.
Only the weather has changed and the location of the garden centre where we will be having lunch…
A cold 6 degrees C but it was sunny as we made our way for an early visit to Tesco…I’m still wearing my shorts though…
Getting some funny looks as I perused the fruit and veg…
Family coming down for tea later when I hope to get rid of some more stuff of theirs we’ve been storing in the garage, loft and summer house…
They [daughter and husband] asked if we could look after it for a few months until they got a new place to live…That was in 2018… :009:


Good morning everyone.

A lovely sunny morning here too; I have the washing out on the line in the hope that there is still some warmth in the sunshine. When I walked Annie dog this morning it was rather chilly so a brisk walk was required, however, Annie dog had other ideas and wanted to sniff every blade of grass - it was a battle of wills in the end, Annie won!

What a nuisance having all of those things needing attention (and money spent on them) Sheila. It must feel that everything that could go wrong will go wrong at the moment, I sympathise because I live in trepidation that things will break down here. I can’t offer any suggestions with regard to your washing machine, though it does seem an odd place to get a leak. My washing machine is getting on a bit now and I fear it may start to faulter soon - but hopefully not leak in the middle of the night, which is when it is timed to carry out the wash in order to catch the cheaper electricity.

The house next door but one from me has new occupants, I saw the removals van yesterday when I was putting away my car. The previous occupant passed away earlier this year and when the house went up for sale it was sold within the first week! My son reckons it’s because it is located in a village, he says folks no longer want to live in larger towns. I’m not sure whether that is really the case but I have noticed that property put up for sale in my village is sold extremely quickly. Mind you, it is a nice place to live and has many local amenities - I won’t list them because I might begin to sound like an estate agent!

Happy Saturday!


No Bruce I didn’t buy one in April, that was the Panasonic G9.

Suns out. Washing pegged to line.
email Received >>
:rofl: All the way 2 the Tumble Drier.


I wear shorts all year round too, there was a time when I would switch to jeans for a couple of months of the year but no longer. Shorts are just so much easier to get in and out of.

Presumably that is a slightly updated version of the one you already have. What’s the difference? Why do you need two? I thought the idea was to cut down on weight, just curious (as always).

I suppose that is the way of the future, my electric is still on old fashioned meters but sometimes I wish it was possible to connect the washing machine to the off peak that powers my hot water it is half the price. Probably not much saving as I don’t use the hot water for washing anyway


Solution. Eco Friendly. And going cheap! @ Amazon Antiques Department.

Jethro Available @ 1/- /Hour.
:rofl: All the way 2 >> The Mangler.


We had those in the swimming baths for wringling out yer cossy before you rolled it up in your towel…

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