Good morning Saturday 5 March

Good morning all.

Calm weather at last, by the looks of it.

I have a bag of bits to donate for Ukraine so might get to Morrisons today, and drop them off.

Good morning!

It’s bright, clear and sunny here!

I’m expecting a parcel delivery today or Monday, so I’ll stay in till after dinner and see if any post turns up
What with the weather & the Lockdown I seem to have been staying in a lot so this afternoon I’ll go for a walk around the park & streets, returning via local shops

Good morning everybody.

It’s lovely & bright her this morning.

Tony & I plan on having a walk round the local pond & a trip to B&M Bargains.

Have a good day all…

The first dry day for gawd knows how many days, fairly warm but humid with temps up around 30°.

Went for my walk in the morning, the creeks have all subsided but are pretty fast flowing, then in a moment of madness when I returned home decided to do all my laundry. In fact it turned out well because after a couple of hours on the line it was dry.

More madness - decided to mow all the grass inside and outside my block took me over an hour and I was knackered but it is done despite the ground being so soggy. After the mower had cooled I gave it a blast with the high pressure washer to clean off the accumulated grass (the body of my mowers is the first thing to rust through).

At about 5pm my youngest son arrived to drop off his dog. He invited me for a meal at the club with his school mate but I wasn’t up to it so while he was out I had a couple of beers at home with my dinner ($5 from Pantry@Corrimal) and reflected on a busy day.

Now it is just me and the dog and getting close to bedtime for both of us!

Have a good one


Good morning all. Yet another grey, chilly day here.

Have just bathed and dried one of the dogs ready for clipping later, but a few other jobs to do first.
Have a good day folks.

Morning awl. Bright but a cool 6C - perfect weather for the dogs.

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: unexpectedly sunny .
I had intended to meet my son and the little twins to hand over some baking and have a walk but one of my granddaughters has Covid for the second time so the meeting is off.

I might go out in the garden but the wind is cold so won’t stay long. The primroses need dead heading again.

I have just emailed a Physiotherapist about my back ache and hope to get an appointment for a consultation very soon . There is a 6 month waiting list with the NHS.

Enjoy your day …

Good morning/afternoon folks :grinning: a sunny day here but the temperature is still only a very chilly 5°C.

Too cold to do anything in the garden today, if I put my back brace on I’m unable to bend! :slightly_smiling_face:

Warmer days can’t be that far away, something to look forward too.

Have a good day all….

@Meg I hope you hear back from the Physio soon and can get your back seen to quickly. :crossed_fingers:

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Good afternoon all.
A gently sunny and fresh day here.

I need a few new items of clothing to see me into Spring and am desperately in need of some nude court shoes. Will probably venture as far as Chester or Cheshire Oaks as there isn’t anything decent locally.
See y’all later!

My plans went awry. Emailed then texted friends about whether we could meet up during my holiday down in London/Essex, then ended up on a longish phone call with one. She is still working, other one long retired, but am able to meet up with the working one, when I have my day in central London. They are ex colleagues. Been a good few years since I last visited the Bank. Pre Holly, anyway.

So then Holly wanted another walk, I was starving and did an early lunch, and am now wanting to stay home. So no, didn’t get to the retail park/Morrisons today.

Good morning all. It’s currently -4° with a low of -9°. Luckily I will be driving out of it. Hope everyone has a Great Day. The next time we talk I will be in California. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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Hi all :wave:
We’re off to the cinema to see The Duke (Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren) it’s had excellent reviews, I’m really looking forward to it

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Was that deg F or deg C?

We had sidewalks lined in tribute for a little girl of 9 who died of a courageous battle with cancer this morning. All main streets of our village participated. Very heartwarming to see her sendoff; it brought the village together.
Some sad, but importantly, more good news.

Now the sun is trying to shine. From the inside out.

A nice if chilly morning to sit outside one’s fave coffee shop only to have to ask for the extra dry cappuccinos to be remade as they were nothing better than lattes with an extra foamy top on. Even the remakes weren’t to our satisfaction but, by the time they arrived, the shop was full of customers otherwise I would have asked for another remake.

Always C° for my friends across the pond :grinning:

Just checking. My wife and her family use ° F but of course they are from the USA.