Good Morning Saturday, 4th May 2024

Good morning all, it is the weekend for those of you still working, which can’t be bad.

Drove 300 ks this morning to Kimba, a town who’s only claim to fame is the Big Galah.

Just hung a couple of T shirts and undies on the line so that I am ahead clotheswise. Still paying reasonable prices for diesel, under $2 a litre but that should change tomorrow when I start on the Nullarbor Plain (nul arbor = no trees). Actually the road really just skirts the Nullarbor between it and the Great Australian Bight so named because someone took a bite out of it.

Any way Wakey Wakey sleepy heads what are you up to this morning?


Crumpets…They have been made, traditional English Crumpets none of this flappy French Cuisine this morning. Only one problem the littles darh lings have to rest for an hour before I can get on with the actual cooking of them…
Sounds like your on a bit of an adventure Brucie?


I am sort of redoing a trip I first took in 2017 but this time I don’t have to revisit some of the places I visited then and hope to find new places to enjoy. It could well be my last big trip. 1200km down about 14000 to go.

Today I rejoined Highway 1, the longest highway in the world, I left it in Wollongong and rejoined it in Port Augusta


Looking very Aussie does that on Wiki…
They were the days…Few Clothes packed, a cooking stove and a few essentials. We had a small fridge even with us on our Adventures so never far from a decent meal…Can’t be doing rumble tummy so…
Why do you think it could be your last Brucie? That’s a sad thought I must say.I want to make a trip back to Andorra actually.

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Not my last trip but my last really long one. When I went to Uluru with the (adult) kids last year it really took it out of me, so I decided I would try The Big Lap once more, from then on it would be a week or two trip at the most.


I wanted to go to Toulouse as well as Paolo Nutini is in concert there 3rd July but Husband said he ain’t paying out 120 euros just for the tickets alone…Then it’s a stop over as well…more expense…
I’m counting down the minutes now…Crumpets is all that is on my mind…

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Do you take a Tent with you Bruce?

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No a teardrop camper it is really just a tent on wheels with a better kitchen. I can’t crawl in an out of a tent any more and the ones tall enough to stand up in are too big for just me.

I only mention it in the “Good Morning” thread because that is what I am doing this morning but everybody else has interesting mornings too.


Wow that is one house on wheels set up…
nothing but comfort…Yes tenting is ok until it Rains…We still have two tents or is that 2 Tense…one climb in and fall type and one bigger one that has two main compartments …even a little veranda. Still got our Caravan here as well…Bought that in 1987 and although it is looking tired on the outer the inside is still a Palace…


Hard Yakka is the little tenting now me old cobber haha
have a good safe trip and I’m off for a Crumpet or :grin: three…
…no cannot agree with you there Bruce. Nothing more exciting than a trip out like your doing…

just in case you fancy a bit of crumpet also… :innocent:

My recipe is… 125 g of Bread Flour
3/4 g dried active yeast
half teaspn of caster sugar
quarter teaspn of bi carbonate soda and same for salt
warm separately 50 ml of water and 140ml of milk…add that to the rest of the mix and whisk for a few minutes and then let it rest for an hour…mmmm…ooo…mmmmm


Good morning Bruce, looks like you have all you need for your journey. That’s a good price for diesel, more expensive here, wherever you go.
The sun’s finally out again this morning,we’ve had enough rain, hopefully it will get warmer too.

Wishing you a safe trip.

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Hello Diane, you’ve just taken me back to “memory lane”, mentioning those crumpets. When we lived in London, my mum used to buy the ready-made ones in packets. They were delicious hot with melting butter. :yum:

I think I may try your recipe. :smiley:


What kind of thickness do you roll it out to Dianne and do you cut it into rounds and bake, fry or grill? I seriously haven’t tried this before hence the questions :+1:

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crumpet rings
you just pour the rested mixture that has now doubled and bubbled in size into the rings…Frying Pan with enough oil to cover the base… metal rings in…pour in to almost the top of the rings…takes 5 mins to cook and you need to flip them over so both sides are a med brown colour…mmmm mouth is dribbling now…


rolling about

haha… :face_with_hand_over_mouth: like rolling a yorkshire pudding mix…


Thank you, looks like I’m going to have to order some rings from Amazon :+1:


don’t forget you need strong plain white Bread Flour and the Dried Active packets of Yeast…I use to mainly get that in Tescos btw…that recipe makes 8 crumpets and I have had to test 4 so far, so can vouch for this mix is purrfect… :zipper_mouth_face:


Yep, we use strong white bread flour regularly for making bread, or rather my son does. These things simply have to be tested, just to be sure :wink:


Sounds a little bit tricky. I’m more of an “oven” person when it comes to cooking “doughy” stuff , I’m not even good at making pancakes, my daughter is. I’ll try, anyway thank you for the tips.


I did forget to say you cover the mix for about an hour with a damp cloth or T Cloth…it then bubbles and expands…