Good morning Saturday 31st December 2022

Morning all!

Happy New Year’s eve :tada:!

I can’t believe it’s the end of the year already.

Have a fantastic day everyone.

Morning butterscoth, happy new year’s eve to you too, and to all members.

I’d like to get out today, to the library, if nothing else.

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Good morning Butterscotch.

Happy New Year to you too and all my OFF’s friends.

I am so looking forward to the end of this year & a new start in the next. happy_new_year_fireworks-20091113-114120


Foxy’s off on his travels for a couple of days, so a very happy new year everyone, and see you soon…

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Enjoy your trip Mr Fox!
To all here have a great day. I hope the weather is not too wet - so far it isn’t raining yet.

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