Good Morning Saturday 30th September 2023

Morning all!

Got the first couple parts of a stressful task done. Then trying to get some sleep and rest in.

Today’s plan is the same as every Saturday. Wait for the neighbor to blast noise. It was overcast on Friday. I’m hoping that rain will stop the noise.

Have a good day everyone.

Good morning Butterscotch and everyone

I’m all packed for my holiday tomorrow but first today taking my little grandson Stanley to a birthday party then after meeting my daughter early doors for a pub meal…a nice day for us.

Not sure if the hotel in Turkey will have Internet so Bon Voyage…be good everyone :grinning:


Good morning all, looks like it will be good weather today.

Sorry to hear about the noise you are going to get from the neighbours Butterscotch.

Sumer, have a great holiday

Have a nice day all.


Good morning , needed the CH on this morning before I took a Shower,
Im doing some gardening today at my sons house , and also taking dog a walk .

Hope all you poorly ones are getting better, and everyone else as a peaceful enjoyable day .

Good morning all

Nothing much planned for today . Probably pop into town .
Summer Bon voyage …

Have a good weekend xxx

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@summer have a lovely time :blush:

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Good Morning from Foxy’s World…Long John Silver
Been limping around like Long John Silver and thought it was the gout…
Although I’ve just had a very painful attack of the gout, it turns out that after the plethora of tablets cleared it up after a week, but I’m still left with a very badly sprained ankle from the fall outside Sainsbury’s. Apparently it was the fall that precipitated the attack of gout, but I’m now left with a very painful sprain…
Hobbled around Tesco this morning and done the shopping (Mrs Fox assisted) so I’ve just got to take the meter readings so those very nice people at British Gas can send me an accurate bill…Then find some sit down jobs to do.
Oh no!..It’s not ‘Talk like a pirate day’ again is it?