Good Morning Saturday 30/7/2022


A grey but warm start to the day.

I need to water the polytunnel and wash up.

Other than that, nothing much.

Have a Good Day all.

Cold but sunny only 16°.

Did some gardening by going round and spraying some glyphosate about. Discovered that the over pressure valve on my hot water system is leaking past so rang the plumber - that explains why my water bill was double it’s normal usage. God knows how long it has been like that, the tank is down the side of the house where I normally never go.

Messed about with the car for a while doing some minor jobs before putting the battery on trickle charge (going to Canberra next week).

Might even get the vacuum out this arvo and zoom round the house with it.

Good morning/afternoon Swimmy and all who follow.

I have a large Sainsbury’s delivery arriving between 7:00am and 8:00am, an Amazon delivery at lunchtime, and then a walk to the Post Office.

Anything else can just unfold and be dealt with as it happens!

Stay safe.

Good morning all, sunny here at the moment.

Off into Town this morning, see what I can buy myself.

How are you feeling today Swimmers?

Have a nice day all.

Good morning to you!

Quiet start today. Put in a few hours on my thesis and now currently working my way through more transcription. Doing little and often to stave off procrastination, who keeps inviting me to play, has helped.

Washing on, breakfast made and family already starting to stir.

Today will be dedicated to uniform and general clothes shopping. So bracing myself for a long day.:weary:

Have a good one.


Pain wise OK Susie.

The fish are fine, just traumatic, as a Northerner at seeing all the things I am no longer allowed to eat being piled up.

At least the Food Bank will be having a good time.

Morning all!

Off to Sainsbury’s soon with my son to pick up a few goodies. We’ll be making honey glazed baked chicken drumsticks this evening. There’s also a certain type of beefburger on the shopping list :wink:

Enjoy your day folks!


Morning all.

Places I intend going to today are pharmacy to see if repeat meds are ready. Library. Then Pets at Home, for some pick n mix dog biscuits.

Anything else can just happen.

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Good morning all
It’s a perfect day , the sea is like a mill pond …will have to make a splash later .

Enjoy your weekend xx

morn all
Another scorching hot day and just back from daily walk. Every one with a dog seemed to be out as well walking them before it gets any hotter.

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Morning all!

Just got rid of a literal pain in my neck.

Feeling a tiny bit of cool this very early am.

Only plan is to talk to my favorite person on the phone. Will probably be trying to keep this neck pain at bay.

I’ve been having a fun time looking at fountain pens and inks, so I’ll probably more of that.

Have a rollicking day everyone.

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: dull but still no rain.

I have had a few days of my heart misbehaving but I am ok I am ok now and on my way to my sons house with some cakes for the children .
I won’t be staying long, ‘Dan at the back’ is due to do his yearly hedge cut and having trimmed the top will come into my garden and do the side if I am around saving me a difficult job on a ladder and something I find difficult to manage these days.

Then home to plant out some french bean seedlings, I hope this lot do better than the last lot eaten by slugs and covered in black fly.

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Good morning all :grinning: a warm day but no sign of the sun yet.

Gave the garden a good watering last night and everything is looking refreshed this morning.

Washing is drying nicely on the line, will iron that later today

Enjoy your day folks…. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry to hear about your heart misbehaving. I’m glad to hear you’re ok.

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It’s one way to lose weight Swimmers.

Sorry to hear about your heart misbehaving Meg, hope you are ok now.

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