Good Morning - Saturday 2nd October

Good Morning/Afternoon everyone,

Due to rain all day today - mind you - they said that about yesterday and it turned out really sunny!

Expecting deliveries - big box of cheese from Wensleydale, some new scalpels from Swann and Morton (surgical supplies), and a couple of DVDs from Amazon - one is ‘Macbeth’ with the delectable Martin Shaw as Banquo! Oooh - shivers with delight!!

Have a fun day.

Shivers ?Not because he’s a ghost though.

No - because he is sex on legs! Damn - need another cold shower now!

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Funny weather - sunny, then overcast, brief shower then sunny again. At least it is not cold.

Daylight saving starts tomorrow. Hate it. Far too early, alright for Victoria and Tassie but waste of time here.

Might do some jobs in the garage for a while.

Not very exciting.

Have a good one.

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Thanks.I’d forgotten.

You had me going there as I thought “what we have another month yet” then I remember you are from down under, still I learned yet another country is as daft as us with the clock change nonesense. :smiley:

WA,Queensland and NT don’t bother.


Good morning all.

Nothing much planned for the day.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning everybody.

I’m still suffering Opioid withdrawal from the pain patches - got no appetite feel nauseous & depressed.
The blurb in the pkt says the worst withdrawal symptoms are over in 2 - 4 weeks so hoping to feel better soon.

I think the trapped nerve in my back is slightly better so thankful for small mercies.

Going to Tesco at some point but otherwise taking it easy.

Have a good day all. :blush:

Good morning all, just about to head off to the forest for our walk before the rain sets in for the day then it can please itself :sunglasses:

Just a bit of baking on my agenda this morning, then I may catch a film this afternoon so an easy day.

Sorry to hear of your continuing discomfort Carol, hope it gets better for you before long.

Have a good day everyone :blush:

Good morning everyone

Carol I’m sorry you are still suffering that must be so waring…I hope you feel better soon.

Well we finally have builders… hopefully they start after Christmas dependant on weather of course…fingers crossed I might have a functional kitchen by March or April…:slight_smile:

Hope to see the grandkids over the weekend…and a meal out with pals…rain forecast here too… have a good weekend all.

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: wet, windy and a cool 9°C here.

Not much planned for the day except having our Booster jabs this morning.

Enjoy your day folks :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning all.

Martin Shaw? Oooh, *fans oneself…

Having a hair cut this afternoon, and expect I will have to go out in the rain. Eeek. No other plans, apart from usual dog walks, and finding something in the freezer or cupboard for my main meal.

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Morning everyone, well it’s persisting it down here, and set to do so for the rest of the day :rage:

@carol poor you, you’re really going through it at the moment, aren’t you! Hope you’re back to normal very soon.

Once again, nothing much planned, so I’ll let the day take me where it will.

Enjoy your day folks :slight_smile:

Morning all, been out with Alf, persisting it down, met a couple of others who said horrible weather, nope says I, weathers alright, rains the issue, enjoy.

Good Morning everyone! Woke up to sunshine and now its pouring :woman_shrugging: Thought I was in for an outside day…ah well. No plans yet, just see how the day unfolds. Have a lovely one everybody!

Carol :hugs: hope you get better each day


A lovely start to the day but now clouding over.

Loads to do in the house today and I need some shopping.

Have a good day all.

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: cold and wet here.

I am still getting runner beans and managed to pick a few for lunch to have with cheesy potatoes and roast tomatoes.

I am going to make some soup for the freezer and prepare some pickled cabbage for the family.
Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning all , bit windy down here in the sarf. Got a couple of wooden planters to clean out and tart up with a drop of preserver then refill with soil and stick a few bulbs in so hope the precipitation holds off. Enjoy your day whatever your agenda. :wink: