Good morning to you all on this last Saturday in September, only another week before that daft daylight savings kicks in and we start getting up in the dark again.
Today is apparently “International Ask a Silly Question Day” so now’s your chance I heard that on the radio this morning.
Spent far too long this morning getting my freshly washed bedding back into my camper, it is a bit of a fiddle with only the narrow doors and a small space at the base of the bed but eventually I got it done. I’m ready for the next adventure
Have a lovely weekend, keep busy. Have a good one…
Morning all – bright sunshine this morning – so far!
Beast left a gift, demanded cuddles and then refused to go out – I love her to bits but she can be, shall we say, annoying sometimes!
Well, I think I am definitely losing it! Last night I went to bed having forgotten to switch off the sitting room light, set the alarm and unplug the computer. Anyone know the address of the nearest home for the bewildered!
Ever get the feeling the universe is against you? Not content with giving me a leaky roof it has now decided my heating boiler will play up! I have put a call into the engineers who service it for me – so that will be another bill
As the weather seems to be dry for most of the day I plan to do more laundry and housework – try not to be too jealous of me!
Silly question: how many ants would it take to lift an elephant?
Good morning - Bright and sunny but there was frost on the rooftops this morning. A good job I zipped up the polytunnel last night. There are still a lot of green tomatoes in there. I think some won’t go red this year. I’ll bring them all inside soon to ripen up. They are very tasty once they do. All from one supermarket tomato too.
I fired up the central heating this morning. It works OK. I’ve got the back-up of thermostatic ceramic radiators in most rooms now. A couple bought and a couple rescued from my brother’s (R.I.P.) house. Probably use a mixture of those and the central heating this year. Just warm up the room we spend most time in as the day wears on. Well, seems like a plan
Good Morning Everyone, very cold this morning 5 degrees C, but not cold enough for long trousers yet. It’s very cold in our Tesco, and all through the summer it was nice to come out into the warm, but this morning it was warmer inside Tesco for a change…
A drive out to a nice garden centre just outside Bridlington today, it’s a long drive just for lunch, but I love the drive and will give the motor a good workout, and the hot meals there are not too shabby either…
Might even get a chance to work on my new project when we get back, before the family arrive for tea later.
According to Wiki Sheila…
How many Ants would it take to lift an Elephant? Consequently, ants are not equipped to lift an elephant , and the scenario is impossible. The task of lifting an elephant, which is known as the world’s largest terrestrial animal, is a hypothetical situation that can only occur in the imagination. @mart had our heating on for a couple of hours most nights for the last 3 weeks.
Living in a 2 bedroom bungalow all our rads come on at maximum in all rooms, it would be false economy to turn any off…
I’d sooner walk around in the dark than be cold Mart…
Very rarely Bruce. We mainly go for the restaurants/cafes’ and most of them have comprehensive shops so Mrs Fox likes to peruse the clothes and shoes. Did I mention ‘Handbags’ They are all getting ready for Christmas now (I know ) and some of them have massive festive displays that need to be started early…