Good morning Saturday 28/05/2022

Good morning all, another beautiful sunny day here.
Off out this morning into Town, look around the shops, see what OH can buy me for my Birthday which will be in the next two weeks.
Have a nice day all.


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Sunny out there, painting the decking today ,enjoy.

Morning all.

Great photo, Susie.

No plans for me today, so far.

Morning all, nice here too but clouding over now…

Just off to the audiologist later to have my ears pumped out, then later I have to sort out all the spare chairs for a family gathering tomorrow, so I hope the weather holds out for another day yet.

Have a pleasant day everyone :blush:

Good morning everyone

Nothing much planned except working in the garden this morning

My 9yr old grandson is coming to stay over later and we are going to a Chinese restaurant early doors so I’m looking forward to that

Good luck to Huddersfield in the Challenge Cup

Have a good day everyone

Good morning all, on this gorgeous sunshiny day.

I am off into town for my Saturday yoga in a mo, then lots to do outside when I get back home.
I have three new roses to plant, and also the grass to cut that I didn’t get done yesterday.

Have a good day folks.

bright sunny day just having a coffee then off for daily walk
walk done and not gasping for breath but he old pins managed nearly all the way around but did stop to talk to a neighbour for a couple of minuits.
Sue wants me to do a longer walk but I don’t think I am quite ready or that. At the moment doing the regular walk I can judge how well I am doing against previous similar walks

Good morning all :grinning: another lovely sunny day.

Gave the garden a good watering last evening and today’s sun will be an extra tonic for the plants.

The washing was on the line earlier and is almost dry already so it will be ironed later.

Enjoy your day folks :grinning: