Good Morning Saturday 27th July 2024

Good morning everybody, enjoy your weekend.

It rained here this morning, only a few mm but it was a surprise for me, I had assumed it would remain dry at least until the cold front arrived tomorrow. Oh well, there you go!

The weekend is here, nice time off for the workers but for we retirees it means more people in the shops so I tend to stay home or go for a drive rather than doing any shopping.

Spray painted a thing I printed in my 3D Printer yesterday, I hope the paint protects it from UV rays, it was the end of a can so it was nice to be able to use it up. I have a few cans in rather unfortunate colours to use up. Next time will buy clear spray and use acrylic paints.

Because of the inclement weather I have already watched an episode of Professor T, looks like a promising series if you haven’t seen it already.

Anyhow have a wonderful weekend whatever the weather, keep yourself busy.

Have a good day.


Good morning - Cloudy with some Sun. Good enough for us all to take a wander across the road to the Car Boot Sale. That’s providing the the Son and Daughter turn up here reasonably early.

Don 't often buy much a Car Boot Sales but occasionally something catches the eye enough to give a Pound or so for it. Got a few ornaments that way, also bedding plants when the time of year is right. Oh
and a lawn rake, a hacksaw and a crowbar. Hmm! looks like I buy more than I thought. :thinking:


Just seen the mayor of london crazy money grabbing scheme. What he want to do now because of he huge debt is to make all those who have paved over their front gardens to pay a flood tax,as any surface water eventually goes down the drains.

I won’t post my thoughts on this because it might be against site rules

just back from a walk before it gets too hot


Morning all – well yesterday turned into a glorious sunny afternoon. Bright sunshine this morning although the forecast is saying we will get rain and thunder this afternoon – hope not! :crossed_fingers:

Nothing wrong with indulging a little TV when the weather is bad Bruce – a guilty secret I share, although I find after about an hour I get restless and have to move and find something to do!

Hope you have fun at the boot sale Mart – I haven’t been to one for years, I used to do a car boot sale to raise money for a small local charity – it was fun

I have been in this house for 3 years and am still getting mail for the previous owners which I re-address and post on to them the when I pass a post box. Some months ago I did this and received a text from them saying it was an important letter which they received late and in future could I ensure letters are forwarded on to them promptly! Yesterday I got yet another letter addressed to them, after their last response I am sorely tempted just to write “not at this address” on the envelope and drop it in the post box, of course I won’t do that but am I evil to think it? :icon_evil:

I feel your pain realspeed! Bristol used to have a Labour Mayor who wasted so much money on vanity projects that the city voted to get rid of the position of elected Mayor! Shame London didn’t do the same

Not much planned for today but if the weather stays dry I may take a walk to the local park

Take care – have a lovely day


Sheila we live outside tis area on the South Coast so what that “gentleman” wants doesn’t affect us

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Except I understand he is suggesting to the government that this be made a countrywide tax!


I cannot understand how he got voted as Mayor of London, it beats me


He must be pleasing a lot of people in order to be voted back into office. I think the only way he will leave is if he is elevated to the House of Lords and happily rakes in his ÂŁ300+ per day just for showing up!


Good morning everyone on another lovely sunny day.

I have the washing on the line outside and have just spent some time snipping away in the garden, now for a break and a cold drink. It was a short dog walk this morning but that still means that Annie dog is flaked out at my feet as I write this.

I don’t have anything planned for today except maybe some more time in the garden and then watching the test match whilst reading - I’m a woman so can multi-task quite easily!

Happy Saturday everyone!


A morning cutting tree limbs. Warm at 18C.


Good Morning Everyone
Another day, another Garden Centre for lunch

Rest day today so no walk, cycle or run. A pity because it’s warm and sunny
At least it was, as I strolled nonchalantly across the Tesco car park early on.
Mrs Fox is busy on the phone to her credit card company after somebody tried to take £70 out of her account
I haven’t decided what to spend it on yet


This seems to be a common feature, what is it with garden centres and lunch?

I can understand coffee or a sausage sandwich because no visit to Bunnings would be complete with out them but lunch? I think not.

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Good morning, nearly afternoon from powerless Florida!

We experienced a power outage for a few hours this morning. Just as I wrestled the generator outside to get it set up, the electricity came back on. I have finally muscled the massive thing back in place, about three feet up on a very large shelf, to keep it out of the ever-possible floodwaters. There was no explanation for the outage. I am just glad I won’t be reminded of my questionable IQ that left me flipping on switches knowing full well there wasn’t any electricity :roll_eyes:.

I blessedly have the house to myself until the tsunami of workers return, so I am fussing around behind them cleaning up sheetrock dust, paint, glue, wood, rags and other sorts of debris. The contractor thinks I am strange for living in the house while all this work is going on, but I don’t much mind. It’s kind of fun trying to figure out how to get by. After sprucing up, it’s out to trim the ginger, elephant ears, and paradise palms that are all in need of attention.

I am also in a bit of confusion that garden centers would offer dining, but it piques the imagination!

Have a sunny day - hot, but not too hot!


I think the term ‘Garden Centre’ may be interpreted differently depending on you location Bruce and Surfer

There has always been a few ‘Nurseries’ in South Yorkshire providing bedding plants and the occasional perennials like roses and shrubs. Dad was a keen rose grower and used to take me when I was no’ but’ a lad

But they were fairly small affairs and very seasonal, and not everyone thought that buying stuff that grows was a good way to spend their hard earned brass when there was the Dogs, football pools, beer and fags
And nobody I knew owned their own house, it was mainly pit houses or council properties so they weren’t going to waste money doing up the garden,but Dad was keen to provide a nice garden. He even won the garden of the year award a few years running, and only beaten into second place by our next door neighbour, who also loved gardening
I’m sorry, I digress
Some nurseries or garden centres, as they were beginning to be called, had coffee shops with sandwiches and sausage rolls and realised that these coffee shops were attracting almost as much trade as the gardening stuff. Even in winter people would call in for a breakfast. And so it began
Coffee shops were expanded into restaurants, and some larger garden centres sold lots more than plants and gardening tools. There was Aquatics (tropical fish) pet centres, and household stuff, ornaments and furniture. So now you could get a high standard of cuisine and peruse all the different wares. There are over twenty garden centres withing an hours drive of me, all serving delicious home cooked food with locally sourced meat and vegetables, and a damn good day out
They are mostly occupied by old people when the kids are at school and even provide a social atmosphere

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