Good morning Saturday 26th Feb

Good morning all, a frosty start with a clear sky, looks like being a nice day… :sunglasses:

We are having a helicopter flight over Nottingham today which was a freebie from Virgin for changing banks a few months ago, and the weather looks perfect for it. :grinning: We’ll then have lunch at the pub on the way home so it’ll be a nice day out after all the recent storms.

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

Morning Barry, and all to follow.

Wowsers!!! I am envious! I went in one many years ago, at some local fete, and it was the very same that Sarah, the Duchess of York trained in. G-DOFY was the reg. never forget that. An expensive little flight, but fun, though I was nervous of the glass floor under my feet.

Have a fabulous time, take pictures, and tell us all about it. :grin::grin:

For me today, it will be all about cooking (doing a pork, cider and apple casserole in the slow cooker), and laundry.

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Morning all, the sun is out.

Oh Barry, |I would love to do that, have a good day.

Have a nice day all.

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Morning all. Just pulled my bedroom curtain and got blinded by the sun. So guessing it’s a bright sunny day here in Bristol this morning.
As the weather looks good think repairing the back fence is in the plan this morning. Then watch the rugby later.
Have a good one all. :+1:

Good morning everybody.

Enjoy your helicopter flight Barry.
I went in one once over the Niagara falls. I had to go on my own though - Tony wouldn’t set foot in one.

Have a good day all…

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Another rainy day - really fed up with this.

My son drove down and dropped his dog off early this morning and I managed to find a gap in the rain to take him for a walk.

Only two more days of this pathetic summer left with little sign of this weather easing.

Handy having a helicopter drop you off at the pub @barry. I was stopped in a small town in Queensland when a helicopter landed in the paddock behind the pub and the farmer and his passenger came in for a drink. That’s the way to travel.

Hope you have a better day


Good morning everybody!

Its windy here on the hill, with rain and no sunshine as yet. I’m going to research some planting ideas for the garden today and start thinking about cleaning up the decking…its a bit slippy and mucky so I’ll have to get scrubbing.

@Barry enjoy your trip! Take photos if you can.

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So it’s all hands on deck today, is it? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Morning all, lovely sunny day here again today. Flippin’ cold though, brrr.

We’re off to Looe later with daughter and granddaughter, have a little trawl around the lovely shops there, then wander down to the seafront, to sit with hot chocolate and cake.

@Barry, wow what a fab gift, I’m so envious! Enjoy your flight and come back here with photos please!!

Have a good day in the sunshine everyone. Well perhaps not you Bruce :umbrella:, but have a good day anyway :blush:


Cracking morning out there, all insurannce sorted for my new car Tuesday, going to give the other one a good clean. Rugby to watch later, what an exciting day a head. Enjoy.

Enjoy the freebe Barry.
We got a flight with Virgin in May, isn’t free though, we’re orf to Disney.

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@Barry - Wow - how exciting. Looking forward to hearing all about it later.

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I hope your pilot stays clear of that notorious area known as the Nottingham triangle, Barry, where many aircraft have mysteriously disappeared. I’m sure he will. :thinking:

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Morning all!
Clear cold this morning. Max is in his element with that. Ozzie needs a little jacket. Barry, enjoy your flight today - should fine weather for it! I had a few helicopter trips from oil rigs on the North Sea. Bleak it was…

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Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: a heavy frost followed by a beautiful day.
I am going to prepare lunch, stir fry vegetables with lots of chill/garlic/ginger then head out into the garden to do some jobs kneeling down, I just hope I can get back up again :smiley:

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Good morning all.
Chilly, frost earlier, but at least its bright and sunny.

Nothing wildly exciting planned, just a quick flit to the shop. Then I’ve got to wait in for a chap that’s going to come and see if my chimney needs repointing.

Still got a rat problem in the garden. The traps we set are not stopping it. I have had to call in the professionals now, but worried sick about the poison anywhere near my dogs. :flushed:


Still too wet to get in the garden, but will be attacking it tomorrow as rain is due again on Monday.

A lazy day today, just some experimental cooking.

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: a lovely sunny but chilly day…

A few indoor jobs this morning then I’m hoping to go out in the garden when the sun comes round the back of the house around lunchtime.

@Barry what an exciting time for you having a flight in a helicopter, I envy you both.
We went for a helicopter flight years ago in Florida. Once I got used to the glass bottom of the helicoper I was alright but it was a strange feeling.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Enjoy your day folks….