Good Morning Saturday, 23rd March 2024

Good Morning all you weekend warriors.

My youngest son drove down from Sydney today and we spent the morning replacing the rear TV aerial as it was showing signs of age. The signal went blocky during bad weather and being older than the one on the other end of the house I decided rust must have got to it too. Job done.

He has just returned from an exercise near Eden with the British, US and Australian navies I got the medallion.

Apart from that not much to do today - we might go out for lunch or dinner later.

All the best to you all, have a good weekend.


good morning, i have returned, the garden still needs doing, but still very wet

Morning all - bright sunshine this morning, although rain is forecast for later - of course it is!!

How lovely for you to be spending time with your son Bruce - I note you put him to work!!

You do realise you can damage plants if you do gardening in the wet don’t you macywack? At least that is the excuse I used to give before I GAMI (got a man in!)

My plan to go along to the church community cafe yesterday had to be cancelled - during the morning I developed a sore throat and hacking cough! My throat feels like it is on fire!! Decided I would not be popular if I passed this on to any new friends I made - will try again next week.

Washing machine is on and today’s plan is to dust and vacuum the bedrooms - sorry if I am making you jealous with my exotic lifestyle!

Take care - hope everyone has a lovely day

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Good morning all!
Nice and sunny here in Arundel West Sussex, we’ve just got into the pub… Cheers!!

Have a nice day forum people!!:sun_with_face:


Good Morning from Foxy’s World… :house_with_garden:
Had a very good day Trig hunting yesterday…Thanks for your enquiries Sheila and LookingForward…
Trig Points or ‘Triangulation Pillars’ were used to map the whole of the British Isles back in the 30’s and until they were made redundant in the late 80’s when GPS was employed.
There are over 13,000 of them scattered around the country, but some were located on church steeples and other high buildings. I’m only interested in the ‘Pillars’ just like the picture I posted. That narrows it down to just over 6,000 but some have been destroyed, and some are situated in Scotland which I will never get to visit due to expense and fitness. They are usually on the top of mountains or high places, and to visit those in Scotland would mean struggling to reach even one, it’s a long way from home, and it wouldn’t be cost effective. Also what would Mrs Fox be doing while I went off climbing mountains all week…?
So yesterday I managed to add another 4 to my ever growing collection of 39…
I spotted the first one at Thirkleby Wold by the side of a very steep and narrow road, almost a lane. And by gum was it windy…

The second one was at the other side of a crematorium, I parked in the car park, but a funeral was about to take place and all the mourners were arriving, so out of respect I left the car park and parked down the road and made my way across some scrubland and round the perimeter of the crematorium…The crem is at the back of those trees.

While making my way to the third trig at Settringham, along a bumpy old lane I spotted this sign…Eeek!

Settringham was another easy one and was situated at the entrance to a lane just off the road on the right. Some trig points have been lovingly restored, especially those on top of hills, but some have been left to decay or have been destroyed by farm machinery. I think it might be my last chance to see some of these, like me, eventually we will both be forgotten…‘But not Yet’

Finally I arrived at the last one today. Brompton Wold was halfway down the side of a field, and the farmer had left a good path alongside his field. I suspect that he has had a few visitors in the past…


The Australian version in the footpath:

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Looks a bit suggestive or is it my imagination!


Sigh… Love this insight into your pub adventures…but it is before noon, and that glass of wine is still cool, am I right? Well, at least you are looking relaxed already.


It’s the comfy sofa that’s made me look relaxed, nothing to do with the Merlot I hasten to add :wink: Yes, we don’t generally go into a pub before noon on our day trips but this one is quite popular and people were already starting to pile in, we grabbed our seats early :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Good vibes to you and your family.

What are you growing?