Good Morning Saturday 23/07/2022


Good Morning All.

A much cooler start to the day but no rain forecast.

No drips, allowed out of bed but not out of my room, still in isolation.

Have a good day all

Morning Swimmers and everyone else to come.

Hope you get better soon and able to go home.

Beautiful sunshine here, we are getting on the bus this morning and going for a stroll along the Beach and maybe a Coffee and Bacon roll, then back down to the shops and home again.

Have a nice day all.

Hi morning all

I hope you’ll soon get your freedom back swimmy
After a walkies with dogger I’m off to the farmers market .
I’m looking to buy a farmer :heart_eyes:

Good morning Swimmy and all who follow…poor Swimmy hope you are set free soon :slight_smile:

Out for lunch later with pals … hope it stays fine.

Hope you get a bargain Ripple :slight_smile:

Have a good day everyone

Morning all.

Slight bit cooler yesterday. Starting out as a little cooler today also.

I was supposed to do a task yesterday, but I gave up on it. Feeling relieved to have made the decision to give up for the day. Had a nice relaxed day.

If today is cooler again, I’m thinking of trying to have another relaxing day.

Have a stupendous day everyone.

Morning everyone, cooler here but brightening up now, looks like being a pleasant day :sunglasses:

Crikey @susiejaeger , never heard of a coffee and bacon roll, I must try that sometime… :laughing:

Just got the hound to brush and his nails to clip this morning then after lunch we are visiting a couple of relatives that live near Derby.

Enjoy your day folks :blush:

Morning all.

After the downer with the lady dog borrower that then wasn’t, on an up today as met the lady near me who does day and night care, and we have arranged a few dates. Holly will have other dogs to play with whilst there. Amongst a few hours here and there, and a full day, she will take her for my birthday over night, so I can go out celebrating. Well, it’ll be alone, but I might book a hotel close by, pamper myself. D,B&B maybe.

Late breakfast so not decided what to do today.

Get well soon, Swim.

Good Morning/Afternoon everyone,

Cloudy here today, rain tonight (maybe), 5% chance of a storm.
Done a raid on the freezer - chicken and veg curry for dinner - and some sliced bavarian ham for sandwiches.

Necklace to alter for a friend - then on with the Christmas cards!

Have a fub day

Good morning!

I had a pleasant ride through the park at 8.30 to pick up some supplies from Asda.
I haven’t ridden a bike for about three years so I felt it a little bit in the thighs despite it being a gentle ride, the shopping went in the trusty 60 litre rucksack.

We’ll be making chocolate brownies this afternoon so I made sure that I remembered to pick up the extra dark baking chocolate :slight_smile:

Morning all :slightly_smiling_face: a cool comfortable start to the day with patches of blue appearing through the clouds.

Pottering around the house doing this and that and looking forward to my morning coffee in the garden shortly.

@swimfeeders - good to hear you are allowed out of bed now, hopefully it may not be long before you will be allowed home.

Enjoy your day folks :grinning:

I hope to! :smiley:

LOL @butterscotch - fub = portmanteau word - combination of fun and fabulous - everyone knows that! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat: :shamrock:

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Of course! That’s the kind of day I want.

Have a fub day to you too! :grinning:

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Learn a new word everyday! Like it.

Waiting for my Amazon order to be delivered to nearby shop today. I ordered the 2Cellos dvd/CD. Can’t wait to annoy the neighbours, heh heh.

Done a lot of clearing and tidying up.

Got Holly booked in with the lady carer near me, various dates, few hours here and there, a full day, and then overnight in September so I can beggar off and enjoy my big 0 birthday! Yay. Might book a hotel, with D,B&B.

Right, need to do more clearing up, but first…is it cool enough for a dog walk?

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