Good morning to you all on a warm Autumn Day. My scepticism about the rain yesterday proved to be unfounded about 4pm it belted down for about 15/20 minutes when we received 4mm of rain, better than nothing.
My morning has been a success, well, very pleasing anyway. Recently I bought a new USB card for my phone (a Samsung Galaxy A52 5G) but I have been procrastinating about fitting it. Once upon a time I wouldn’t have hesitated but my eyes and fingers are not what they were. Because of a lack of anything else interesting to do, finally today I got stuck in!
I have photos though they were taken to help me remember how everything fitted together so are pretty poor (single light source). Here goes.
First the back is glued on, so I dug out the hair dryer that I keep for female visitors and softened up the glue: Here it is opened in all its sticky glory:
Fitting the new board was just the reverse of all above. BTW the glue was a damn nusiance it stuck to the covers making them all hard to remove. I have some glue to replace it but I have just squashed the back on again it’s in a case anyway.
@Bruce , good idea to get a photo of each stage ,even so I think its brave of you to attempt it …
Good news yesterday I was accepted at another GP Surgery , I dont think its going to be easy to get an appointment though , with all the new build in what was a Village ,its building up to be a town …
WooHoo – I must have done something good in a previous life – I have got an appointment for my blood test! OK it isn’t until 11 days time but at least I have one now (only took just over 4 weeks)
Well done for moving to another practice Eliza – hope you get better service
Neighbours sent an email yesterday – apparently they are limited on how much time they are allowed to use the ship’s wi-fi. They have to book time and with thousands on board it must mean very little time is allowed. The male neighbour must be suffering withdrawal as he is usually permanently connected!
Beast again refused to leave the house – I definitely think she is now identifying as an indoor cat.
Not much planned for today – a little housework and shopping. Feeling a bit lazy so I may binge watch a favourite TV show!
Good morning from Foxy’s world…
Apparently the bike ride didn’t do my knee any favours, It was a bit swollen this morning and I had to lean onto the Tesco trolley to guide my way around the isles.
Rest day today, so it’ll give it chance to settle down in time for tomorrows walk, some Ibuprofen should also help…
Mrs Fox is sprucing herself up in the shower for lunch at a garden centre later, I’ll go in and view the finished product…
I hope you had a standby phone in case it all went t*ts up @Bruce…A bit deeper into the gubbins than I would have delved…
Glad to hear you got fixed up with an alternative doctor @Eliza it’s time we started objecting to the massive house building projects that are going on all over the country turning our villages and towns into one big city. Nobody seems to care what the local residents think.
It cost me an arm and a leg using the internet on some of our cruises @SheilaP but I guess you folks on the forum were worth it…
Apart from finding out what all my tablets do and paying a few bills, coming on the forum takes up the greater part of my time on the net. Oh! and going on X (formerly twitter) so I can relay some proper uncensored news for you when it gets quiet on the forum…
Indeed, I got my old Huewei out and charged just in case. The job wasn’t that difficult just fiddly (I mean really? 17 PH000 screws!!) but obviously the design was to make it as difficult as possible. The only really difficult part was getting those tiny coax plugs back in their sockets that was a real fiddle, they are absurdly tiny.
BTW I hope you learned the lesson from the bike ride. It’s a male thing to push yourself but even I have learned that healing takes a bloody sight longer these days than it used to,you have to give it time.
You and OGF could hobble along together on your walks
My kids keep onto me about that (not that I am in your situation) but I can’t bear the thought of getting someone to do something I have always done myself. However I know that day will come possibly fairly soon.
Good for you, it is turning into a day of medical triumphs I must admit overall I like our system better, costs a bit sometimes but we don’t have those waiting times.
Actually I have a pathology form on my white board for a blood test to be done a week before I visit my specialist in June - need to allow a week for the results to get back to him.