Good morning Saturday 21st

Good morning everyone. Looks like it’s starting to rain here and it’s forecast heavy for later but no complaints, the garden is as dry as a bone and is desperate for a drink…

No plans for the day but if it’s raining I will find something to do in my hobby space and then maybe watch a film this afternoon.

Have a good day folks :blush:

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Good Morning All.

Change of plans as it is raining so hard, so inside jobs for the people coming and few hours being taken shopping.

I need to give some thought as too how to spend my Lottery Win last night, all £2.20p of it.

Have a good day all.

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good morning and after a week away plenty to do in the garden but hey ho!! forecast lottsa rain

Morning all.

Checked forecast for my area. Rain expected but later on this evening, most probably when Holly is ready for her last walk. That’s all I need, having to towel dry a wet dog just prior to bed time.

No plans for me today, let’s just see what happens, and what I feel like doing. Plenty that I maybe should tackle, but what the heck…. Sometimes I get a burst of energy and deal with a lot indoors, sometimes I think…urgh, where’s my book?!

Good morning everybody, raining here too, but only drizzly, not heavy. Still, means I’ll be indoors today (what’s new?). Nothing much planned, so I’ll take the day as it comes.

Enjoy your day whatever your plans :slight_smile:

Good morning everybody! Pouring with rain here as well and very warm. No plans set yet, just Saturday pottering.
Have a lovely day everyone :smiley:

Good morning everybody.

The wood preservative soon ran out yesterday so off to Wilco’s we went & came back with a huge container or Creocote. It’s a creosote substitute.

Today we will give the trellis & the garden fence a second coating with Creocote to preserve it through the winter.
Also got some Hammerite metal paint in dark green to smarten up the wrought iron patio table & chairs.

It’s looking a bit overcast so we may have to move the car out of the garage & do our painting in there…

Have a good day. :blush:

Rained heavy in the night, set off it wasn’t raining for the dog walk, halfway around we got soaked, its only rain, now to spend a hour drying ourselves off. Nothing planned today, enjoy.

Good morning - Plenty of rain forecast for around here as well. My tomato plants have got blight. Doom and gloom!

Good morning everyone

Yes its raining in Yorkshire too…everything looks so green :slight_smile:

I’m out with pals for a meal later to a pub I’ve never been to before so I’m looking forward to that. Lots to do in the house so not short of things to keep me busy.

Have a great day all

Good morning from a fairly bright Weald. Let’s hope the rain holds off, got a bundle of washing on the go. Garden needs a tidy up so best crack on. Have a good weekend one and all. :+1:

Good morning all, its a bit dully but warm outside.
Nothing planned for the day.

Swimmers can I ask you please, what is that Red Plant in your Fish Tank, I wish to buy one.

Good morning all :grinning: a miserable wet day here, except for the temperature it could be mistaken for a winters day.

No plans for the day.

Swimmy …… regarding your Lottery win, congratulations and don’t forget the old saying “Spend some, Save some” :wink:

Enjoy your day.


I think it is this

The suns coming out now .

Good morning all on a wet miserable day.
I have been busy all morning and am on my wy to my sons with an ‘indoor picnic’ . not sure what happened to summer :astonished:
Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face: