Good Morning everyone, and especially a ‘ready for the oven Bruce’…
A rest day today with no walking, running or cycling but excluding an early visit to the Tesco for the fresh veg and salad stuff…
Mrs Fox is going for a Strawberry and Cream tea and a nag with the local village gossips this afternoon so it’s going to be nice and quiet. … Might even learn about some erotic stuff going on in the neighbourhood…
Only the paranoid survive.
Glad to hear you are taking it easy today!
Why Foxy - I am shocked you would be interested in such a thing! (if you do learn anything - sharesies )
Been to Waitrose, got some Vogel bread, salmon pate, feta cheese to keep us going.
We’ve been slowly emptying our little freezer at the bottom of our fridge, using up stuff, and will defrost it later. It’s supposed to defrost itself, I think, but over the years the draws stick.
Have a g’day all.
Thanks Sheila…
You never really know who your neighbours are or what really goes on in your village…Many years ago I heard stories about my local pub. For the benefit of those younger than 60, the local pub was where all the locals met and had a pint together, even the local copper, who lived in the village, supped in there. Most of his intel came from the gossip around the bar…
Anyway, it was rumoured that a certain group of wives and husbands used to congregate late at night during a ‘Lock out’ and put all of their keys in a large bowl in the centre of a table…Blindfolded, all the wives would choose a set of keys…Whoever’s keys they selected would be their lover for the night…
Of course, I knew nothing about these ‘goings on’ and only heard it from a friend…
Mmmm I believe you …
Yes, of course you did! Isn’t it strange that whenever you hear about these sort of parties it is always “from a friend”!
A lovely Saturday morn to all.
10 sentences you need to hear once in your lfe:
1-People aren’t against you, they are for themselves.
2-Climb mountains, not so the world can see, but so you can see the world.
3-You learn more from failure than from success, don’t let it stop you,
failure builds character.
4-The most dangerous risk of all is spending your life not doing what you want,on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.
5-Go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated.
6-The person you will spend the most time with n your life, is yourself,
so you better make yourself as interesting as possible.
7-If yo accept your limitations, you go beyond them.
8-People often say that motivation doesn’t last,well neither does bathing,
that’s why we recommend it daily.
9-Everyone you meet is afraid of something,has loved something,
and has lost something.
10-Comfort is the enemy of achievement.
Have a safe and wonderful Saturday
All true raven - another I like is
A winner isn’t someone who never fails - it is someone who never gives up
Lovely Blue Sky Sunny Day. Opened the patio doors.
And there waz Cyril >>
Showing Orf. >> Again.

Good gray morning! I love this time of year when weather could be just about anything - but cold. It is a sure sign that we are turning the corner on summer when the earth slowly starts bending away from the sun, giving us sunsets that will grow increasingly spectacular through the fall, and we had a beauty last night with a nice little southern dinner - cornbread with summer goulash. So many of the dishes in this part of the world were made popular because they were the food of the working poor, so they are easy to whip up and reflect what we can get from the garden and farm stands this time of year.
Now that Bruce is ready to become brisket of conspiracy, marinating in the Windows software outage, I am reminded that only we (seniors) have the ability to manage without panicking. I marvel, after years of watching this sort of software crash, that businesses can’t operate with a pad of paper, a calculator if needed, and cash transactions. I wonder how many thousands a small business misses in a day because they can’t do paper math? At least we still have the power
Someone go save OGF from himself!
This is tutoring day, so I am having to put my math brain on, followed by more sanding, and hopefully a little time to paint.
Have a good day, and let’s hope Mrs. OGF makes a short day of it to save OGF from himself!
Not an early early start but a steady one here, walked up the road for the paper spoke to a few neighbours/shop users so a 3 minute walk became about an hour. Luckiiy had not put the milk on for my cereal LOL;
Tried a new cereal (expanding my breakfast menu) very nice too.
Considering running the mower over the grass before the promised or should that be threatened storms arrive, but not sure I am in the mood, think it is too heavy/muggy.
I have to do a bit of ironing so maybe today is the day get it out of the way.
Roast type of dinner today with sausages (to use), also got to pop to Sainsburys to get some vanilla extract as tomorrow I am making 6 blueberry muffins to have as a mid morning snack for the coming week.
Tomorrow I am out for the evening should be interesting will update Monday I think. To celebrate the Buck Full Moon.
Mrs d00d must have been up with the lark this morning, she had laundry on the line by 6:30 when I woke. It didn’t want to dry: no sun, no wind. We sat down to lunch at 1:00 looked out the window, OMG it’s raining. We both dashed out to rescue it. Now the sun is shining for the first time today, shall we or shan’t we hang it out again. Big decision best left to the boss.
@Surfermom I’ve never heard of summer goulash, so I googled it, sounds alright, I might give it a go. Should go well with something like grilled fish. Hmmm
Tonight we’re having the last portion of the tomato/onion pasta sauce from the freezer without pasta but with new potatoes and asparagus. A slightly odd mix but it will be fine.
I made myself a mud cake last week, while I was washing up the bowls, spoons, spatulas etc I was counselling myself to go back to buying the supermarket light fruit cake which I enjoy more and involves a lot less work.
Elixir for seniors.
Fruitcake isn’t even in the same galaxy as mud cake. I am sure it was decadent!
I think fruit cake is we senior’s go to cake, young people won’t touch it but once over fifty you just can’t get enough of it.
I’m licking my lips looking at the Woolies version right now
You mean to tell me I am not yet a quinquagenarian?
(Too bad the numbers don’t lie )